1. what is the reasons why both the Ministers had suggested for less nos of Posts.
Dear comrades,
By giving a call for mass resignation, we have started to make strong our organisation and mass movement. We got media coverage. Govt is also very serious on the same. We convinced the Revenue Secretary to propose to avoid the cut made my DOPT in CR proposals and he some how agreed to our submissions. We also convinced Chairperson on last movement over mobile to propose again the initial proposal of some 4800 odd posts of Gr-A and she has also agreed with our submission. In the meeting with FM both Revenue Secretary and Chairperson pleaded with our submissions and finally FM has agreed their submissions and asked the following details:
1. what is the reasons why both the Ministers had suggested for less nos of Posts.
and . copy of minutes of such joint agreement.
2. What is is justification in present situation to avoid such cut.
3. Expenditure involved.
4. How the stagnation problems of Supdt. cadre can be removed.?
Reply to above will be submitted on today. This development has come up due to our agitation and to submit our mass resignation.
In our meeting it has been decided not to attend the office on 29.03.13, 30.03.13 and 31.03.13. and on 12.04.13 we will gathered at New Delhi with uniforms to march to the residence of FM. In the meeting we also called office bearers of AICEIA and we appealed them to join in our agitation. Our SG has already circulated the details about the meeting and today he may submit the revised notice.
Now it is my request to all of you please start the process in involving local leaders of AICEIA and other associations to make the agitational programme a grand success including media coverage.
with warm regards.