President: Address
for communication: Secretary General:
Lokanath Mishra 240, Razapur,
Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.) Ravi Malik
Vice Presidents: Sampat Rai
& Vatan Kamble (Central); Anurag Chaudhary & Ravi Joshi (North); A.
Ravinder Singh & Rajan G. George (South); A. S. Roy & Shubhrangshu Deb
(East); P. D. Nimhan & S. K. Jha (West)
Joint Secretaries: Anand
Kishore & Laxmi Lal Singhvi (Central); N. N. Lal & R. K. Solanki
(North); G. Srinath & S. Chandrasekar (South); Ashwini Majhi & V. N.
Jha (East); G. K. Jhala & M. K. Misra (West)
Office Secretary: C.S.Sharma (Mob. 09313885411) Treasurer: N.R.Manda (Mob.
(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of
Fin. vide letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
Ref. No. 33/A/12
Sh. P. Chidambaram,
The Hon’ble Finance Minister,
Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Sub: No
office on holidays on 29.03.31 to 31.03.31, march to FM residence on 12.04.13
and mass resignations on 30.04.13-intimation reg.
refer to the Ref. No. 93/A/12 Dt. 31.12.12 and 27/H/13 Dt. 04.03.13 of the
2. It is submitted with due regards and great disappointment that there
is no change in the scenario till date. It has, therefore, been unanimously
decided in the Associate Committee meeting of the Association on the issue
to intensify our Satyagraha/agitational programme, if all the
points/grievances are not settled on immediate basis.
3. Accordingly, it is intimated that the
following steps will also be observed as part of our Satyagraha-
(i) None of our officers will attend the
office on holidays on 29.03.31 to 31.03.31 throughout the
(ii) The officers will gather at Jantar Mantar
in Delhi from all over India on 12.04.13 at 11 a.m. in their uniform and proceed to gather
around the residence of your goodself to submit the Memorandum.
(iii) All of our officers throughout the country will
submit their resignations on 30.04.13 under protest.
6. The charter of the demands is enclosed herewith.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Charter of demands.
Secretary General.
with the request for necessary action to-
The MOS, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, North Block, New Delhi.
The Secretary, Department of Revenue, North Block, New Delhi.
The Chairperson, CBEC, North Block, New Delhi.
Charter of demands
1. Immediate
implementation of the cadre restructuring without any cut as already approved
by the Expenditure. All proposed posts
to be approved permanently and be filled-up by promotions only alongwith all
posts likely to be lied vacant within 5 years of implementation
of cadre restructuring without any direct recruitment in group ‘A’ during the
2. Parity with other
counterparts of CSS, CBDT etc. either in the cadre restructuring or independent
of it to retire our officers also in PB-4.
3. Immediate fulfilment of the commitments like “creation of separate service for group ‘B’
executive officers”, “promotion of group ‘B’ gazetted executive officer
directly to STS like CSS”, “all Inspectors, PO’s & Examiners of same year
should be brought to same level of promotion”, ‘all the vacancies of cadre restructuring to be filled up by promotions
& extend this benefit for more than 1 years”, ‘minimum qualifying service
for promotion to gazetted post should be uniform for Inspector, PO &
Examiner” etc. etc. made during the
presentation on cadre restructuring proposal on 18.01.11 in consonance of the
submissions made by the Association vide its Ref. No. 13/11 Dt. 27.01.11.
4. At
least four functional promotions in the service career.
5. Immediate
implementation of the Supreme Court verdict dt. 03.08.11 by framing “just, fair
& equitable” recruitment rules and abiding all the ad hoc promotions with
the same duly granting notional promotions to the seniors
of Central Excise whose juniors of Customs have already been promoted.
6. Initial grade pay of Rs. 5,400/- in PB3 w.e.f. the
date of the grant of this grade pay/equivalent pay scale to the other analogous
counterparts of IB, CBI etc.
7. Time-scale
in PB3 instead of PB2 to the
Superintendents completing 4 years of service and next promotions to all
Superintendents directly to the post of Deputy Commissioner (STS post) to
maintain parity between the officers of headquarters organisations & field
Also counting of regular service in non-discriminatory manner as compared to
CSS etc.
8. At
least a grade pay of Rs. 6,600-/ & 7,600/- on IInd & IIIrd MACP
upgradation without offsetting with time scale on the lines of MACPS adopted by
the State Governments like Uttar Pradesh etc. or even on better lines on
account of the originating source (i.e., 6th CPC) being the same.
9. Finalisation
of in-situ promotion scheme under consultation of the Association.
10. Holding
of regular minuted meetings under employee grievances redressal mechanism.