Friday, 19 July 2013

AIACEGEO Message of Ravi Malik SG to Shubhrangshu Dev VP.

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Message of  Ravi Malik  to Shubhrangshu
Live! Secret communion on Moon you didn't know about

Dear Shubrangshuji,
 Thanks for the mail. Even in the most powerful All India Services of IAS, IFS and IPS, the officers are allotted the State cadres. After allotment of State cadre, they are promoted as per the vacancies available in the concerned State at each level instead of their all India seniority. If vacancies are available in UP, the MP cadre officer is not promoted against these vacancies. As a result, some officers attain only "DIG or lower level" in one State while some of the same batch and even being higher in merit or others recruited in earlier year/s, reach "IG or above level"  in other State. The officers recruited/joined in earlier year/s in one State can't claim earlier promotion in other State on arising of the promotional vacancies in that State. These States, and Commissionerates/Zones in our case, are allotted based on merit-cum-option mechanism opted by the officers willingly. The number of retirements alongwith other factors in concerned State/Zone also play an important role in resulted number of promotions. Where retirements are more, promotions are also more. 
 As far as the Supreme Court case is concerned, a particular unit of ours is pleased to try/publicise to get credit of it. While actually, the case was filed & fought by AIB in the name of Sh. Vimal Kumar. Panditji showed his interest to be one of the petitioners and he was not objected under gentleman-ship to become  petitioner. It is, however, different issue that the said particular unit of ours was pleased to go for clarification and also in contempt with whatever  healthy & positive intention (but CERTAINLY in a hasty manner) without consulting AIB and the drastic result is before us. I am afraid that the new attempt of this particular unit alongwith a few other units of ours may again result in harming of our officers who are eagerly waiting to be promoted at the fag end of career as a result of cadre restructuring. (I went through some mail saying that we should care for the many thousands of other officers having longer periods of service remained instead of a few thousands of retiring officers. We shouldn't be harsh to our senior colleagues. We should care for every interest of them as they have already suffered more in terms of period than the younger ones.)  I am really afraid of such "specific efforts" by which the cadre restructuring may sink.
 Further at the time of hearings in contempt, the AIB officers had to arrange the entry pass of the Supreme Court on their own as they were not helped to get even the passes by that particular unit of ours despite of the request made. One of our officers instrumental in contempt was helped even by supplying all the representations of AIB which were not placed on record by them. The said officer had been receiving all representations through mails of AIB but he didn't try to compile the same because of the only reason of not giving importance to them. He was also not happy with former SG saying that the former SG behaved in dictatorial manner and never sent the communications to the units. Thus, the said officer and his unit has the habit of not being happy with any of the AIB SG. We should not be miser in giving the credit of 385/10 and other efforts to our AIB. It would be injustice to AIB, if it is discredited of its efforts and any unit/officer is of regular habit to criticise/alleging against AIB. I don't know whether it is good to understand oneself the most learned & correct but I certainly know that it is not good to treat others as fool.
 I am also afraid that our CAT parity case may be diluted by such "specific efforts" as the said units of ours are talking on the lines of Board. But we have to understand that the Board is only responsible for these disparities and it never made any effort to remove the same. Now, the same Board is trying to dilute the issue in the name of these zonal disparities instead of coming with the formula of parity with other categories despite of their acceptance in the minutes of 12.01.11 & 18.02.11 and also in the presentation of 18.01.11. This will benefit a particular category of officers only. It is also well pertinent to mention that the Board has already rejected any idea of promotion to the post of AC based on the combined length of service of Inspector+Superintendent in the minutes of 12.01.11 & 18.02.11. They, however, didn't oppose the issue of parity with other counterparts and rather directed the HRD to come with a scheme to grant parity to our officers with the Customs counterparts. The said scheme is, however, still awaited and it is also the reason of filing parity case in CAT. So, I request all to kindly not make any attempt to dilute our issue of parity already admitted by the Board. Panditji also advocated & gave a detailed account of base cadre parity (not base cadre seniority) in the Ludhiana AEC meeting. In 18.01.11 presentation also, the Board committed that a scheme to bring all the Inspectors, POs and Examiners of same year to same level of promotion is already under examination.
 Moreover, the zonal/regional disparities will automatically be removed and we shall also get the promotions upto higher levels, if we are able to get the parity with our common entry counterparts. But we shall keep retiring at lower levels only, if we are engulfed in the issue of intra-category regional/zonal disparities under the trick of our opponents. I am very much surprised of baseless allegations of one of our learned officers as VP of one of our units made against AIB and his mispresentation of facts. This issue shall CERTAINLY have negative impact on our career prospects.

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Dear Shubrangshuji,
good mornig.
Kindly refer to the following lines of my earlier mail under Ist para-
"As a result, some officers attain only "DIG or lower level" in one State while some of the same batch and even being higher in merit or others recruited in earlier year/s, reach "IG or above level"  in other State."
The said lines may kindly be read as follows-
"As a result, some officers attain "IG or higher level" in one State while some of the same batch and even being higher in merit or others recruited in earlier year/s, reach only "DIG or lower level"  in other State."

Subject: Fw: FAQs on ZONAL/ REGIONAL DISPARITY in Promotion & Seniority

 My Dear Shri S.K. Patil,
                In response to your sms today & my commitment to come back to you through my mail, while admiring your untiring effort on “Zonal Disparity” I would like to analyze the issue as under:
1.       1. Everybody of us raises any issue for some purpose and intention with a wish for its culmination into the intended goal.
2.       2. Now what is that goal-in-wish in the issue of zonal disparity?
3.       3. In the issue of Zonal disparity the goal-in-wish is to attain seniority on the basis of entry in the Department on all India basis, because the seniority is fixed at the entry point Zone –wise and, not on all India basis which is the legitimate procedure in force.
4.       4. And for this, the present seniority list at the entry point ( for not only inspectors but also in respect of LDC,UDC,STA,TA) is required to be recast first  and then on the basis of the said recast seniority list at the entry point the present all India seniority list of the Superintendents is required to be recast accordingly.
5.       5. The next question is why it came to mind?
6.       6. It is because, some superintendents have observed that in some zones due to better vacancy position during the material period, some Inspectors got promotion to  superintendents earlier than those others despite the fact that the said other inspector(s)  is/are  senior to those who  got promotion. This has been termed as zonal disparity.
7.       7. Now, some of those others who were senior as inspectors but junior as superintendents came up with the apparently novel idea of Zonal disparity with the wish that if the seniority is recast  as per their seniority as inspector they will be promoted earlier to AC than some of those who are senior in the present seniority list.
8.     8.   Now the issue of zonal disparity with a wish for recasting can be taken up :--
(i)                   If, the present seniority list is wrongly made? – the answer is NO ( On the basis of legal position reiterated by  Loknathji)
(ii)                Then what is the alternative? - Take a resolution in the meeting of AIB and place before the CBEC.
(iii)               Assuming remotely that the resolution is passed and placed before CBEC -
(a)    CBEC has to decide it on the basis of OM in force and the legal position which has attained finality in favour of present seniority list.
(b)   Does CBEC have authority to recast the seniority only as AIB has taken a resolution to that effect?---  The answer is NO
(iv)              Whether any legally unsustainable matter becomes sustainable only by adopting of resolution? ---- The answer is NO.
(v)                Can AIB dictate any aggrieved member who suffers/expects to suffer due to deprivation of its legitimate seniority not to go to court seeking justice (Where he will definitely succeed at least to obtain stay against recasting)? --- The answer is NO.
(vi)              If CBEC has expressed their consent in favour of recasting to any of our member ,
Please come out with the name and designation of the CBEC, so that AIB will meet and discuss with the said Authority, if found to be Competent.
(vii)             Is AIB shy of towards the issue of Zonal disparity? The answer is NO;
Because the issue was discussed at length at AEC, Patna and resolution has been adopted to that effect unanimously where all the exponents for emergent resolution on zonal disparity were also present in full strength and took part in the discussion.   
In view of the above, I fail to understand why the issue of zonal disparity, a non-issue, has been given undue impetus for materialization by hook or crook, despite the fact that, it is not only wrong but also going against the spirit of unity and fraternity of the Association?
Perhaps due to the fact that as Cadre Restructuring is offing this may be the times to get a thick slice of bread by bulldozing/circumventing.   
9. It is needless to mention here that the necessity of convening meeting on the issue of zonal disparity by AIB needs serious thought process on the following observations:-
        (a) Should AIB be indulged in a meeting and taking a resolution knowingly fully well that the intended issue is not only legally unsustainable but also at the cost of the legitimate position of its own members, thus against the spirit of unity and fraternity of the Association ? -- Certainly NOT.   
Is   (b)  Is AIB meant for looking partisan interest? -- Certainly not.
(c) Should AIB be involved on the issue which is not going to give any benefit to the members as a whole, rather likely to give rise to fragmentation amongst the members? -- Certainly NOT.
    (d)  I request all the members to take up issues which are going to give benefit to all the members as a whole and refrain from any move, such as “resacting of seniority in the name of “ZONAL DISPARITY” which is likely to be fratricidal.
10.    Under the above facts, circumstances and analysis, I welcome issues on the increase of posts of ACs/ one time promotion/ time-bound promotion and not in favour of the meeting of AIB on the issue of zonal disparity , whereas the exchange of views may continue through mails and other means of communication.
11.    I would like to reiterate my appeal to all our members and the VPs & JSs of AIB in particular, who is seen to be not coming forward with their valuable opinion/suggestion for the cause of the Association  for which they are meant for, in spite of repeated requests at least through my mails.
12.    I also request them to provide their cell numbers, mail ids and to keep touch with each other.
With best wishes
Shubhrangshu Deb
Shillong Zone: Guwahati C.Ex. Commissionerate(MOB: 9435543978)