We have already clarified that revision of seniority list of Inspector converting it to all India from zonal retrospectively is not at all possible. Neither there is exist any legal provision for such retrospective revision nor it is practically possible. For argument shake if at all any court will pronounce any verdict for such implementation retrospectively then at least Board may take 5 years to recast the seniority. Because at present there are few Superintendents who are promoted from the cadre of Sepoy who initially joined in service during 1973, therefore first seniority lists of Sepoy are required to be prepared year wise since 1973 converting it to all India and there after seniority lists of LDC/UDC/TA/STA/Inspector are required to be issued year wise since 1973 duly issuing proper notice to all individuals and inviting to raise any objection if they are not satisfy with such revision and thereafter litigation will be started with in house fighting. There fore retrospective revision is not practically possible.
The practice of issue of Zonal seniority has been started since creation of this department. There are lot of decisions on fixation of seniority particular promotees vrs. direct recruitee and OG vrs SG. . In case of Promotee vrs Direct , if seniority list of ministerial officers would not be all India , then proper seniority can not be determined. Similarly in case of SG vrs. OG it has been already decided that all SGs would be en block seniors to all pre1986 Inspectors ( OG). Because of so many decisions it is not possible to convert the seniority list of Inspectors to all India on retrospective effect.
Moreover as regards for relaxation of provisions of Gr-A RR , we have already stated that the provision of relaxation is general in nature , which can be raised at any time. Thus there is no use to discuss this issue in hurriedly and this can be discussed in our next AEC meeting (as decided in the last AEC meeting held at Patna.) Because of few units have raised this issue suddenly and quite hurriedly , many seniors are having a feeling that such baseless issue has been raised for the sole purpose to delay the approval of CR and to deny the promotions to seniors and force them to retire without getting promotions to GR-A.