Sunday, 28 July 2013

Subject: Proposal of “HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME for CBEC Employees” – Reg.

Message of  Ravi Malik
Live! Secret communion on Moon you didn't know about

Dear friends,
good evening.
All units are requested to kindly send their comments IMMEDIATELY but latest by 08.08.13.

Directorate General of Human Resource Development
Customs & Central Excise
Infrastructure & Welfare Wing
                                                      C-4, IRCON Building            
District Centre, Saket
New Delhi-110 017
All Staff Welfare Associations                                                    26th JULY, 2013
(Recognized under CBEC)
Sub:    Proposal of  “HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME  for CBEC Employees” – Reg.
                                    As you are aware a new scheme for HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME for CBEC Employees is under consideration by the DGHRD. All the Associations are requested to actively participate in drafting of the proposed HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME such that the scheme is sustainable and its benefits can percolate to all cadres effectively.   The draft of the proposed scheme is enclosed. You are requested to through the proposed modalities of the draft Scheme and give suggestions on the following points:

(a)    Should the CBEC employees (proposed beneficiaries) also contribute a portion of the premium for the proposed Health Insurance cover?

(b)   What should be the estimated contribution? It is felt that 20% of the premium should be the contribution from the employee and the rest 80% of the premium would be paid from the Welfare Fund. Approximately 20% of the estimated premium will be Rs. 500/-per annum which can be deducted yearly from the salary of the Departmental employee. Income tax benefit may also be available on the premium paid for the proposed Scheme.

(c)    At present, the CGHS beneficiaries pays Rs. 600/- to Rs. 6000/- per year for the CGHS Scheme benefits as a  contribution of Rs. 50/- to Rs. 500/- per month, (depending upon the Grade Pay of  a CGHS beneficiary) is deducted from   his/her salary. With a meager payment of Rs. 500/- per annum, additional medical benefits worth Rs. 2 lakh will be available to the employee and his family under the proposed Scheme. The CGHS Scheme will continue and contribution of premium will also be deducted from the salary of the employee.

(d)   Each Association may like to estimate as to how many employees are willing to participate with the above broad parameters? You may estimate the numbers for the respective cadre the concerned Associations is representing through an informal survey and commit to enroll a minimum number from each Cadre .this will enable this office to estimate the size and spread of the scheme.
  Any other suggestions in any of the proposed components of the Scheme can be given by email/fax to

As an outcome of the all India Conference of Chief Commissioners and Directors General, 2012, four Break-Away Groups were constituted for parallel discussion on different issues. The Break-Away Group-IV deliberated on Staff Welfare. One of the recommendations made by this group was to explore corporate style tie-up with good hospitals in every major city for effective treatment of Departmental employees and their families. The suggestions are as reproduced below:
                      The existing CGHS facilities particularly in metros have been restrictive/non-existent to fulfill genuine needs of the employees. It is desirable that department should explore corporate style tie-up with good hospitals in every major city, for effective treatment of our officers and their families. The difference between the CGHS entitlement and negotiated fees of the hospital can be met either by Welfare Fund or through an insurance agency scheme suitably negotiated for the whole service to leverage better rates.’’
In pursuance of the above recommendation, a new Health Insurance Scheme is proposed (in addition to the existing facilities under CGHS/CSMA Rules) for the government employees working under CBEC.
A.                                   NAME OF THE SCHEME:   ‘’Health Insurance Scheme of CBEC ’’. The office of DGHRD will act as the Nodal Agency of the welfare scheme.

B.                                    COVERAGE OF THE SCHEME:
The Health Insurance Scheme will provide Cashless access to  Health care facilities to 55,000 working employees of CBEC and his/her family { “family “as defined under the CGHS/CS (MA) Rules, 1944 and the guidelines issued by Central Government from time to time} thereby enabling access to healthcare facilities for In-Patient department (IPD) i.e.  Hospitalization in over 3,000 hospitals / nursing homes which are empanelled/recognized under CGHS/CSMA Rules across the country with an Annual Checkup of the Government Employee once in a year. Initially the new scheme will be for two years as a pilot project, for providing a health insurance cover to every employee of CBEC and his/her family worth Two Lakh rupees for one year at a time from the date of contract. The insurance cover will include all pre-existing diseases. However the OPD facility will continue to be provided through the CGHS scheme, as per the CGHS/CSMA Rules.
C.                                    SCOPE OF THE SCHEME:
1.                        The working employees of CBEC and his/her family  (herein after referred to as the “employee”), can avail the medical benefits on actual expenses incurred by him/her and without the restriction of the CGHS price sub-limits (but restricted to up to the cover of Rs. 2 lakh per annum).
2.                        The government employee (including his/her family) can avail the benefits’ worth the medical insurance cover of Rs. 2.00 lakh in a year. Thereafter, treatment can be obtained under CGHS/CSMA Rules on the previous (existing) pattern.
3.                        The treatment will be on cashless basis i.e without any upfront payment to be made by the individual to the hospital.
D.                                   FINANCING:
      It is proposed that the Scheme may be financed completely from the Welfare Fund and 100% of the premium for the health insurance cover will be paid by the Central Govt. on behalf of the CBEC employee.

E.                                    ANTICIPATED PREMIUM:
           The Health insurance Cover will be upto Rs. 2.00 Lakh p.a. on family floater basis for all  Ailments including Critical Illness ** (Without CGHS Limits /Cap) 
Amt. (Rs.)
i)                    Net premium payable   ( Excl. S.Tax)
15.00 crores
       ii)       Insurance Company liability per annum
15.30 crores
      iii)      * Service Tax @12.36% on  Premium
            1.85 crores*
      iv)       Net Premium Payable  (incl. S.Tax)                                               
16.85 crores

*Exemption from Service Tax has been granted to a few Govt. Sponsored Welfare Schemes vide Notification no. 25/2012- Service Tax dtd. 20.06.12 issued by Min. of Finance, Department Of Revenue, Govt. of India. CBEC may like to consider similar exemption for the proposed HIS Scheme for CBEC employees too. 
** “Critical illness” includes following ailments: Cancer, Coronary artery bypass surgery, neurological surgery, First heart attack, Kidney failure, Multiple sclerosis, Major organ transplant, Stroke, Aorta graft surgery, Paralysis & Primary pulmonary arterial hypertension.

F.                                     Eligibility of beneficiaries:
1.                        All employees of CBEC (of all Groups/Cadres) and their family (as defined under the CGHS rules) shall be insured.
2.                        The employees to be insured shall be from those already enrolled under CGHS/CSMA having a valid CGHS Card or the certificate issued under CSMA Rules. The data of new employees will be sent to the HRD duly certified by the Head of the Department periodically.
3.                        New entrants on appointment/ marriage/ birth shall also be eligible.
G.                                   ADVANTAGES OF THE NEW HEALTH INSURANCE SCHEME  :
1.      Cashless Health care treatment for all employees in over 3,000 hospitals / nursing homes across the country.
2.      The employee can avail the medical benefits on actual expenses incurred by him/her without the restriction of the CGHS price sub-limits (but restricted up to the cover of Rs. 2 lakh in a year).
3.      The employee can avail the cashless IPD benefits’ worth Rs. 2.0 lakh per year. Thereafter, he/she can obtain the treatment under CGHS/CSMA Rules on the previous (existing) pattern.
4.      An annual Medical check-up will be conducted by the insurance company for all employees of CBEC (of all Groups/Cadres).They will be required to conduct the tests as prescribed under the CGHS norms. Thus there will be gross saving on the expenditure incurred from the medical funds at present.
5.      No upfront payment to be made by the Govt. employee and thereby no medical reimbursement claims will be required to be filed by the employees until the limit of health cover is exhausted.
6.      Saving on human resources dedicated at present for processing the claims, since all the claims will be processed by the insurance company and will be settled directly by them with the empanelled hospitals.

H.                                   Benefits:
a.                      100% Premium shall be paid by CBEC on behalf of all the employees.
b.                      The Health Insurance Scheme shall be for a period of 2 years for the individuals w.e.f. the date of agreement between CBEC and Health Insurance Service provider.
c.                       The insured members can claim Medical benefits worth Rs. 2.0 lakh per annum under the Health Insurance cover. The health insurance cover will replace the medical benefits provided from the Welfare Fund by DGHRD under the welfare schemes and the service provider will bear the cost of treatment up to the cover limit of Rs. Two lakh. However expenses over and above the Rs. 2.0 lakh cover may be considered by the Governing Body on a case to case basis.
d.                      Employee to utilize the medical cover of up to Rs. 2.0 lakh under the new health insurance scheme first. Thereafter, (beyond this limit of 2 lakh), further treatment can be continued from CGHS, on reimbursement basis, under the existing CGHS/ CSMA Rules.
e.                      In case of death of the employee due to accident, the education fees up to maximum of Rs. 3,000/- per month will be paid by the insurance company for the Dependent children for the academic year.
f.                        Treatment in higher category of accommodation than the entitled category is not permissible under this scheme.  If it happens, at the discretion of the card holders then the cardholder is liable to pay the extra expenses to the Hospital directly.
g.                      Cost of implants, if any, over and above the package rates will also be borne by the insurer.
h.                      Pre-existing diseases shall be covered.
i.                        In case of death due to accident, expenditure of carriage of dead body to be borne by the insurance company up to Rs.10,000/-
j.                        Free annual Medical check-up for all employees of CBEC as per tests prescribed under the CGHS norms.
k.                       Pre & Post hospitalization benefits can be availed under the insurance cover for up to 07 days and up to 15 days respectively.
l.                        The insurance cover will also include minor surgeries which do not require hospitalization (such as Cataract etc.) i.e involving only one-day or less than 24 hours treatment.
m.                    All the benefits/procedures will be on the pattern of the CGHS scheme wherever not mentioned.
I.                EXCLUSIONS :

1.    Any dental treatment or surgery which is corrective, cosmetic or of aesthetic procedure, including wears and tears etc.
2.    Sex change.
3.    Vaccination.
4.    Those insured persons who are already having two or more living children will not be eligible for Maternity benefit.
5.    Pre-natal and post-natal expenses, unless admitted in the Hospital/Nursing Home and treatment is taken there.
6.    Any type of OPD treatment.

J.        ENROLMENT:
          I.                            Identification to be as per existing CGHS membership.
        II.                            The health insurance cover shall be for a period of two years subject to midterm review at the end of the first year of contract.
      III.                            The entire 100% annual insurance premium shall be borne by the Central Government CBEC per annum along with the Service Tax, as applicable on behalf of all the employees.
      IV.                            The insurance companies shall be selected through a transparent process and shall enter into a contract with the Department, through DGHRD, for implementation of the scheme. 
        V.                            Each insurance company shall be awarded the contract at the lowest rate of premium offered by it (being the L1 bidder).
      VI.          With this background, technical and financial bids will be invited from all insurance companies dealing with health insurance and licensed by Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA) for implementation of the Health Insurance Scheme for working employees of CBEC and their families.

    VII.          If the utilization of total accrued premium received from the Central Government (CBEC) does not reach 80% of the actual pay-out made towards claims settlement then the differential   balance amount (i.e.  80% of total premium paid by CBEC minus the actual pay-out in claims settled) shall be rolled over and adjusted in the premium payable by CBEC for the next year. However, in the second year, such differential amount, if any, will be refunded to CBEC by the Insurance Company, within one month of the expiry of the contract period, failing which the insurance company is liable to refund the said amount with interest @ 10% p.a. and a penalty of Rs. 50 lakh. Insurance company shall submit claims MIS as per CBEC requirements.

K.                                    DISPOSAL OF CLAIMS:
a.                        All hospitalizations in all locations shall be on cashless basis which means the beneficiary doesn’t have to pay any cash charges upfront.
b.                        The actual expenses incurred on the treatment will be paid in full by the insurance company uptil the insurance cover limit of Rs. Two lakh per employee.
c.                         Once the insurance cover limit for IPD treatment is exhausted (i.e. the 2.0 lakh cover), the employee can seek further treatment from CGHS directly on the earlier (existing) pattern as per the CGHS /CSMA Rules/Scheme.
d.                        The insurance company is liable to provide the facilities of medical cover once the enrollee is admitted just before the date of expiry of the contract/insurance cover period, provided the cover amount is not exhausted.
e.                        In case any claim is found untenable, the Insurer shall communicate reasons to the Nodal Agency for this purpose with a copy to the beneficiary.  Insurer will file a report to the Nodal Agency explaining reasons for denial of each claim periodically and these reports shall be reviewed by the D.G.(HRD) on monthly/quarterly basis.
L.                                      MODALITIES OF IMPLEMENTATION:
1.      Cadre Controlling Officer’s office would be the contact point for the Insurance Companies. The data related to employees will be provided by the Head of the Department to the Insurer ( duly verified from the Service Book) with copy to the Nodal Agency.
2.      The valid CGHS Card or the filled in Enrolment forms will be given by the Department to the Insurance Company within 60 days from the date of entering the contract.
3.      The enrollment in the first year should be completed by the insurer within 60 days  and the insurance cover will become effective for complete one year (excluding the 60 day period) for all those enrolled uptil that date. However the insurance cover period for those enrolled after 60 days will reduce to that extent. Therefore the onus of providing the verified data to the service provider within 60 days is on the department. The enrolment of new entrants will continue throughout the year.
4.      Insurance Company will issue Smart Cards to the employees along with the list of the Networked Hospitals, the benefits and the contact details of their persons with toll-free number of their help centre.
5.      If the card is lost within the policy period then beneficiary can get a new card issued by paying to the insurer, a pre-defined fees agreed by the Nodal Agency.
6.      Publicity shall be given by the Insurer and the Nodal Agency through website, Advisory Committee Members and Circulars and through Workshops and Kiosk/help centers by the Insurance Company in Zonal Head Quarters.
7.      The details of the Scheme and further amendments, if any, as well as enrolment form would be put up on the web-site of DG (HRD) and of all Commissionerates.
8.      Insurance Company will also provide the Application Performa through their website and the Head of the Department/empanelled Hospitals/Nursing Homes/Day Care Clinics and the beneficiaries’ can access the website to see the relevant information.  All relevant data shall be uploaded on the insurer’s website on a read-only access and a link shall be provided to the DG (HRD).
9.      The Insurer shall provide Management Information System (MIS) reports regarding the enrolment, admission, claim settlement and such other information regarding the Services to the Nodal Agency monthly. Nodal Agency will also monitor data related to enrolment etc. available through their website.


A mid-term review of the Scheme will be carried out by a Review Committee, headed by DG (HRD), CBEC, at Delhi, with the following composition, for making recommendations to the Board for continuation/ extension of the Scheme:

1.      Director General, HRD, CBEC                                                Chairperson
2.      Any Zonal Chief Commissioner (co-opted by DG, HRD)       Co-Chairperson
3.      Addl. Director General (I&W), DGHRD                                 Member
4.      Addl. Director General (EMC), DGHRD                                 Member
5.      Addl. Director (I&W), DGHRD                                                Member-Secy.                               

N.                                   GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL:

a.                           In case of any grievance faced by the beneficiary, a Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC), headed by a Zonal Chief Commissioner, will be constituted to settle the grievances and settle the disputes on the claims, if any.

b.                           The Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC), will comprise of the following members:
1.             Zonal Chief Commissioner                                                   Chairperson
2.             Executive Commissioner at Zonal Hqr.                                     Member
3.             Additional Commissioner, CC Unit                                     Member-Secretary
4.             Authorized Representative of
Health Insurance Service provider                                         Member

c.                           The GRC will meet periodically as decided by the Chairperson of the GRC.

d.                           The decision of the Grievance Redressal Committee (GRC) will be final and binding on all.

