We have interalia demanded for Grade Pay of Rs.5400 in PB-3 w.e.f 01.01.2006 to all Superintendents of Central Excise and Time scale in PB-3 on completion of 4 years service as Superintendent , Stagnation to be reduced to less than 4 years for induction to Group-A in STS ( DC) grade directly, 3rd MACP & 2nd MACP should be Grade Pay Rs. 7600 in PB-3 & 6600 in PB-3 respectively, Parity in matter of career prospects of (Group-B) Inspector along with Examiner of Customs and other counter parts duly removing regional disparity in promotions, creation of separate service to maintain all India seniority list for Inspectors, introduction of in situ/ time bound promotional scheme to grant 4 promotions to all Inspectors of Central Excise in their entire service career, those have completed 8 years as Inspector and 20 years as Inspector and Supdt. combinedly should be upgraded to the post of Supdt and AC respectively, immediate DPC against existing vacancies in the cadre of AC, regularization of adhoc promotions pending since 97 on revised ratio as per SC decision dated 03.08.13, three upgradations under MACP should be post based like ACP scheme, provision for proper infrastructures to all offices with a provision of sitting arrangement as per prescribed norms, granting of pay scale of 2000-3200 & 6500-10500 to the cadre of Inspector w.e.f 01.01.86 & 01.01.96 respectively, granting of pay scale of 2200-4000 & 8000-13500 to the cadre of Superintendent w.e.f 01.01.86 & 01.01.96 respectively, immediate approval of CR of CBEC as cleared by FM & CR must be conducted in every 4 years block like CSS etc.etc..
However recently the Committee of Secretaries has cleared the CR proposals of CBEC on 27.08.13.The new strength approved by such Committee is as below-
Approved by CRC Existing
1 | Apex | 14 0 | ||
2 | HAG+ | 38 0 | ||
3 | HAG | 100 47 | ||
4 | SAG | 340 295 | ||
5 | JAG | 932 593 | ||
6 | STS | 801 601 | ||
7 | JTS | 1249 949 | ||
Total Regular/permanent | 3474 | |||
Reserve pool | 250 | |||
8 | STS | 1199 | ||
9 | JTS | 919 | ||
Total Temporary | 2118 |
By such approval our stagnation issue will not be solved unless our all demands are redressed by Govt. immediately. It is also required to convert all temporary posts of 2118 as proposed by COS on 27.08.13 to permanent. Therefore to put pressure on CBEC it is required to conduct agitation. As per the decision of AEC meeting held at Patna during May 2013, we have served notice upon FM to conduct mild agitation for wearing black badges and conducting lunch hours demonstration.
All the unit Secretaries are requested to submit notice(s) to the respective Chief Commissioner(s)/ Commissioner(s) enclosing the notice served by SG to FM. Regional Office Bearers and Unit Office Bearers are requested to conduct meeting(s) at different places of their jurisdiction to motivate our members to participate in the agitation to be held on 04.09.13 and try to make it a grand success. Press release should also be made by all Units before and after the agitation to be conducted on 04.09.13. All the unit Secretaries are requested to appeal all other local Associations to join with us in the agitation to be conducted on 04.09.13 , they are free to add their charter of demands pertaining to local issues along with our demands also .
All our members are once again requested to carryout the agitational programme communicated in totality. The appeal made by us along with notice dated 22.07.13 have already been placed in this blog post for perusal of our members.