The copy of notice dated 22.07.13 served upon the FM by SG to conduct agitation on 04.09 .13 by all our members has already been placed on our website. It is therefore necessary that all units should ensure that no stone is left unturned to make the agitational programme a grand success .
The SG has already clarified that -" Letter to FM dated 22.07.13 in itself is the notice
because it has been served w.r.t. earlier notice bearing clear subject
of revival of Satyagraha. It is not fresh agitation but the old one is
being revived referring earlier communications addressed to FM in this
regard. The language is very clear & specific as below-
"In view of the above, it is intimated that the Satyagraha programme WOULD BE REVIVED with bearing of black badges and observing lunch hour Shantigoshthis (peaceful meetings) before the offices of the respective Commissioners & Chief Commissioners by our officers on 04.09.13 throughout India"
It is clear from above that the action to be taken (instead of intention) has been expressed.
"It was decided that first persuasion should be made to achieve OUR GOALS. ------ If persuasion is failed, the agitation is to be conducted in phased manner starting from mild programmes such as WEARING OF BLACK BADGES AND CONDUCTING OF LUNCH HOURS DEMONSTRATIONS ETC"
It is clear that "our goals" including cadre restructuring were to be demanded. Cadre restructuring is already the very first point in the agenda, charter has not been changed because the programme is only the continuation of already declared one. Moreover, no programme is observed based on only single point because we can't observe independent programmes on every point. All important points/goals are always to be included in the charter. As far as cadre restructuring is concerned, now it is expected that it is going to be cleared later or sooner in the form of as approved by FM. So, we have to concentrate on other points also particular relating to parity with other common entry counterparts already attaining the PB4 levels easily. No doubt that thousands of our Superintendents would enter group 'A' as a result of the ongoing cadre restructuring but it is also true that we are not going to attain PB4 levels by it. However, the pending grievances have only been mentioned to reflect their inaction and make due pressure on them".
All Units are once again requested to carryout the agitational programme communicated in totality. The appeal made by us along with notice dated 22.07.13 are once again placed here in after for perusal of our members.
Good Morning,
Now, it is expected that the cadre restructuring would go through-later or sooner. But we have to keep in mind that only the cadre restructuring is insufficient to remove our stagnation. By this cadre restructuring, some more of our officers will be able to enter the group 'A' JTS level but they will never be able to attain PB4 levels like other common entry counterparts of ours. For that, some extra measures are required to be taken in serious manner. The DOPT Minister has already replied to the Chairman of SC Commission to take the measures, if the proposal on that line is sent to DOPT by the CBEC/Revenue. Our intention is not merely to get our officers entered into group 'A' but we want that our officers should easily reach PB4 levels like other counterparts. It is also well pertinent to mention that our officers including promotee Inspectors were also reaching the level of Commissioner in the remote past. As per the wordings of our previous Chairman, our Inspector reached even the level of Member in the past. The President of the IRS Association, Ms Jaswal, disclosed in one of the meetings that one of our officers promoted from the post of Sepoy also reached the level of Commissioner. If it was happening in the past and also happening to other counterparts presently, I am really unable to understand why it can't happen to us now.
N.B--- Letter to FM posted below in itself is the notice
because it has been served w.r.t. earlier notice bearing clear subject
of revival of Satyagraha. It is not fresh agitation but the old one is
being revived referring earlier communications addressed to FM in this
regard. The language is very clear & specific as below-
Dear Friends:
Good Morning,
Now, it is expected that the cadre restructuring would go through-later or sooner. But we have to keep in mind that only the cadre restructuring is insufficient to remove our stagnation. By this cadre restructuring, some more of our officers will be able to enter the group 'A' JTS level but they will never be able to attain PB4 levels like other common entry counterparts of ours. For that, some extra measures are required to be taken in serious manner. The DOPT Minister has already replied to the Chairman of SC Commission to take the measures, if the proposal on that line is sent to DOPT by the CBEC/Revenue. Our intention is not merely to get our officers entered into group 'A' but we want that our officers should easily reach PB4 levels like other counterparts. It is also well pertinent to mention that our officers including promotee Inspectors were also reaching the level of Commissioner in the remote past. As per the wordings of our previous Chairman, our Inspector reached even the level of Member in the past. The President of the IRS Association, Ms Jaswal, disclosed in one of the meetings that one of our officers promoted from the post of Sepoy also reached the level of Commissioner. If it was happening in the past and also happening to other counterparts presently, I am really unable to understand why it can't happen to us now.
friends, it can happen but only by an effective, united and complete
agitation forgetting all the vested interests. So, all the units, office
bearers and members are again requested to be well prepared not only
for the programme of 04.09.13 but also for stronger programmes in
In accordance with the letter dated 26.07.13 of
Honourable Shri V. Narayanaswamy , MOS(DOPT) addressed to Honourable
Shri P.L.Punia, MP , the DOPT has submitted the note on 12.07.13 to
Cabinet Secretary with reference to the CR proposal of CBEC for
convening COS meeting for clearance and finalization of such
proposals by Committee of Secretaries. The 
N.B--- Letter to FM posted below in itself is the notice
because it has been served w.r.t. earlier notice bearing clear subject
of revival of Satyagraha. It is not fresh agitation but the old one is
being revived referring earlier communications addressed to FM in this
regard. The language is very clear & specific as below-
of the above, it is intimated that the Satyagraha programme WOULD BE
REVIVED with bearing of black badges and observing lunch hour
(peaceful meetings) before the offices of the respective Commissioners
Chief Commissioners by our officers on 04.09.13 throughout India"
It is clear from above that the action to be taken (instead of intention) has been expressed.
2) The Patna minutes say as follows-
was decided that first persuasion should be made to achieve OUR GOALS.
------ If persuasion is failed, the agitation is to be conducted in
phased manner starting from mild programmes such as WEARING OF BLACK
is clear that "our goals" including cadre restructuring were to be
demanded. Cadre restructuring is already the very first point in the
agenda, charter has not
been changed because the programme is only the continuation of already
declared one. Moreover, no programme is observed based on only single
point because we can't observe independent programmes on every point.
All important points/goals are always to be included in the charter. As
far as cadre restructuring is concerned, now it is expected that it is
going to be cleared later or sooner in the form of as approved by FM.
So, we have to concentrate on other points also particular relating to
parity with other common entry counterparts already attaining the PB4
levels easily. No doubt that thousands of our Superintendents would
enter group 'A' as a result of the ongoing cadre restructuring but it is
also true that we are not going to attain PB4 levels by it. However,
the pending grievances have only been mentioned to reflect their
inaction and make due pressure on them.
3) I, on personal
level, is also in support of the strongest
programme. The notice of mild programme has only been served as per the
decision of Patna meeting as also clear under para 1) above. However,
nothing is better than the strongest possible programme provided all the
units are actually in the position of observing the same in actual
spirit instead of paper spirit. There is no problem for Kolkata and many
of other units but there are many units which even don't serve the
notice to local authorities or start talking about Conduct Rules or
observe the programme only for formality. Only effective & complete
programme would be any help of us to give proper message to them.
However, suggestions would be asked from the units and office bearers or
the programme would be observed in some other manner in the future to
make it effective despite of minimum participation like gathering before
the residences of the VIP's/authorities.
The All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers , the organization representing about 11,800 Gazetted Executive Officers of the Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax Department,
has embarked upon an agitation programme from 25/09/2012, demanding
immediate approval of Cadre Restructuring proposal of CBEC without any
cut as cleared by the Honourable Finance Minister and Department of
Expenditure, implementation of Apex Court Order dated 03.08.11
retrospectively as per judgement, granting of GP-5400 in PB-3 to the
grade of Superintendent of Central Excise w.e.f 01.01.2006 ,
introduction of in situ scheme to remove stagnation etc.. The department
is already facing acute shortage of manpower both at the staff and
officers level, especially at the cutting edge level i.e. Assistant
Commissioners who are playing a very crucial role in revenue collection.
Near about 8000 nos. of Superintendents have
completed 30 year of services as Inspectors and Superintendents
combinedly at present and waiting for their promotion to Gr-A. The
Inspectors who are joining in the department as direct recruit are
retiring by getting one promotion to the grade of Superintendent in
their service career. Whereas those similar placed employees who are
joining in Income Tax department or in CSS or as Examiner in Customs are
getting almost 5 to 6 promotions in their service career, While 1992
batch Examiners are being promoted to the grade of Asst. Commissioner,
the 1975 batch Inspectors are still Superintendents and are being forced
to work under the 1992 batch of Examiners who are quite juniors to
them in service. The parity is the basic concept of our Constitution,
parity in promotion is required to be maintained amongst the similar
placed employees of same department, but till date the Govt. of India
have not initiated any action to maintain parity in promotion amongst
the Examiners/Preventive Officers and Inspectors of CBEC . The
educational qualification, mode of recruitment and Grade Pay for these
post are similar. The Examiner, Preventive Officers and Inspectors are
being recruited by the same examination conducted by Staff Selection
Commission. Recently the Honourable Apex Court have decided for
revision of recruitment Rules and making regularization of pending adhoc
promotions since 97 on the basis of such new recruitment rules, but
Govt. of India made contempt of the said order dated 03.08.11 by not
regularizing the pending adhoc promotions on the basis of said new
amended /revised recruitment rules retrospectively. Whereas in past in a
similar occasion Govt made adhoc regularization with retrospective
effect to allow benefits to the officers of the Customs wing. Major
revenue of Govt. of India are being collected through CBEC. Inspectors
and Superintendents are basically responsible for collection of such
major revenue. But these officers are not being awarded at least two
promotions in their service career and are not being granted with
appropriate pay as has been granted to similar placed employees of
Central Govt.
Considering the utter frustration of
Superintendents who are languishing without any promotion for around
18/20 years and being forced to work under their natural juniors by 17
years, AIACEGEO had served a notice dated 22.07.13, on the Finance
Minister of India informing
that the Satyagraha programme would be revived with bearing of black
badges and observing lunch hour Shantigoshthis (peaceful meetings)
before the offices of the respective Commissioners & Chief
Commissioners by our members on 04.09.13 throughout India, if nothing
positive happens in respect of the charter of demands and other staff
grievances. As the Govt. failed to approve the CR proposals of
CBEC at an early date and redressed all the genuine demands, AIACEGEO
is constrained to adopt the agitation with
bearing of black badges and observing lunch hour Shantigoshthis
(peaceful meetings) before the offices of the respective Commissioners
& Chief Commissioners by all its members on 04.09.13 throughout
The Gazetted Executive Officers posted in entire 124 Commissionerates have confirmed their participation in the strike action. The
strike is organized by the All India Central Excise Gazetted Executive
Officers, New Delhi on the basis of the strike notice served on
22.07.13 to Finance Minister of India for a settlement of the 10 Point charter of demands.. The Gazetted Executive Officers of throughout the country are mainly agitated over the delay in approval of Cadre Restructuring proposals of Central Board of Excise
and Customs and cleared by the Honourable Finance Minister &
Department of Expenditure since long. It is required to approve Cadre
Restructuring in every 5 years but only one cadre restructurings was
approved during 2002 by Central Government for this old Department .
There are near about 12000 Gazetted Executive Officers working in Central Excise, Service Tax and Customs Department but all most all of these Gazetted Executive Officers are retiring without getting promotion to Gr-A posts. The reason of such acute stagnation is mainly attributed for non conducting of Cadre Restructuring within the time frame prescribed by Central Government. The Gazetted Executive Officers known as Superintendent of Central Excise are
retiring after getting only one promotion in their service career on
account of decades long acute stagnation. They are deprived of the
appropriate pay scale/pay band & grade pay. They are facing the
worst career prospects and
working conditions. The employee grievance redressal mechanism has
totally failed as the administration has no interest to redress the staff grievances. The Gazetted Executive Officers of Central Excise are forced to work under the extreme juniors of Customs belonging to the same cadre. The cadre restructuring is pending with the government for last 7 years. The
concerned authorities are taking nothing seriously in relation of any
of the issues. In view the above, the Association is forced to decide to
revive the agitational
programme .
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It was decided that first persuasion should be made to achieve our
goals. Leaders of our units should also pursue the matters through
political leaders of their respective states. If persuasion is failed,
the agitation is to be conducted in phased manner starting from mild
programmes such as wearing of black badges and conducting of lunch hours
demonstrations etc. The
Secretary General is authorized to serve the notice at appropriate time
and prescribe & intimate the methodology to conduct agitation.