THE CR OF 2013-2014.
Creation of Group-A posts more than 3300 nos. in course of Cadre Restructuring is no doubt an achievement of our Association and most of our members are fully satisfy on such creation irrespective of the expectation. However, to get the effective benefit, our All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers has initiated action on the following points:
· All the Gr-A posts, permanent or temporary, are to be released early and at one go and not in phases.
· The temporary posts, are to be utilised fully for the promotion of the stagnated Superintendents. The RRs is required to be relaxed to provide promotions to stagnated Superintendents out of the temporary posts, without allotting a single post to Appraiser.
· Effort are being made to ensure in the beginning that such posts are not abolished after 5 years as that is likely to set in the stagnation gain with the same intensity.
· As per the procedure of CR and also following the precedence of the 2002 Cadre Restructuring, all the new Gr-A posts to be created ( whether regular or temporary) are to be filled up by promotion only.
· The Chief Commissioners have already received letter from the Board regarding implementation of the reorganisation of the Commissionerates . It is to be ensured that reorganisation does not cause any kind of delay in the release of the new posts and giving effect of the resultant promotions, it is to be also ensured at the same time that minimum infrastructure is provided to the promoted officers.
Introduction of a flexible promotional scheme in our cadre independent to CR for removal of stagnation, regional disparity, intra cadre disparity in promotion and to maintain parity in promotions at par with our counter parts.
If any one will file any case in CAT or any Court to stay the CR, action is to be initiated by our Association to vacate the stay if any immediately.Introduction of a flexible promotional scheme in our cadre independent to CR for removal of stagnation, regional disparity, intra cadre disparity in promotion and to maintain parity in promotions at par with our counter parts.