Dear friends,
The message (as also placed by him on the blogspot of the Association) of our President, Sh. Lokanath Mishra, is circulated to all. He is very correct about the need of agitational path because our own authorities would do nothing for us without it. They have done nothing for us for the decades and are worried only for the direct recruit group ‘A’ officers. They are serious even for those direct recruit IRS officers who are yet to take birth. They are not serious for our career prospects et al having all seriousness for above stated category only.
They have ensured NINE promotions for their officers in the cadre restructuring and only temporary posts of Asstt. Commissioner for us to grant merely the rare of the rarest IInd promotion to some of us without any right for further promotion. Our counterparts are easily attaining the PB4 levels whereas we are forced to retire on a PB2 post. However in the remote past, even our promotee officers were able to reach the level of Commissioner. One of our officers also became the Member as disclosed by the former Chairman of CBEC, Sh. A. K. Goel, during one of the meetings. But very unfortunately, the recruitment rules have been distorted in such a manner by our own authorities that only one category is getting all the benefits. Our authorities are granting the promotions to their officers within qualifying services/residency periods as prescribed by the DOPT but the prescribed qualifying services for us have no meaning in their minds. No need to say that the residency periods have been prescribed by the DOPT with due diligence and application of mind without being meant for decorative purpose only.
Our counterparts are not only reaching the levels of PB4 but many of them are being promoted directly to Senior Group ‘A’ post. Many of them are also getting benefit of seniority at the time of entry into group ‘A’ on account of getting the weightage for the service rendered by them in group ‘B’. But no step has been taken to improve our career prospects or working conditions by the CBEC for the decades. No welfare measure has also been taken for us for the decades.
As far as the cadre restructuring is concerned, they tried to get the reorganisation file cleared by the Revenue Secretary after making changes in their interest against the Cabinet approval. The RS asked them to bring the file in consonance of the Cabinet approval. It is surprising that they are now countering what was approved by them before the Cabinet approval. The RS was kind enough to send the file to FM for due approval in consonance of the Cabinet approval even on his last day, i.e., 31.03.14. The file was not pursued by the CBEC with the FM on account of their acute intention to make unnecessary changes in it against the Cabinet approval. Finally, the file was called back from the FM office on 11.04.14 and is still pending with the CBEC.
Our career prospects have totally been spoiled by our own CBEC. At this point, we have nothing to lose. We can get anything from our authorities only by the means of effective & united agitation. To sit before the residences of the authorities on the holidays is the only way to get success. It will also not reflect any Conduct Rule as some of us are always afraid of the same.
Ravi Malik.
ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL EXCISE GAZETTED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS(AIACEGEO)(Recognised vide CBEC letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2012-Ad.IV A Dt. 25.02.13 ) (Disclaimer- The views expressed in the Blog post are purely for the consumption of members of AIACEGEO only and the data/facts contained therein should be first verified with authentic source, before using the same, by anyone).