Dear friends,
I have been getting regular calls about the confirmation of the issuance of the notifications regarding reorganisation and staff allocation. Friends, I am to repeat that nothing is so easy for us and we should not be complacent particularly to observe any agitational programme for redressal of our grievances including the implementation of the cadre restructuring. I reiterate that the effective & all united agitational programme is the only key to give us the long pending justice. It is very unfortunate that our own authorities are delaying the things even in r/o of the cadre restructuring by which not only us (only upto a limit) but the majority of the group ‘A’ IRS officers (huge benefits) are going to be benefitted.
Instead of observing the cadre restructuring at the prescribed regular interval of 3/5 years, the only IInd current one is also being delayed like anything by our authorities showing no seriousness to implement it except formal & non-serious approach. The current restructuring started sometimes in 2006; the Governments, Ministers, Secretaries, Chairmen & Members of CBEC etc. kept changing but, very unfortunately, there is no change in the approach & attitude of our authorities. The CBEC seems to be only for, of and by the IRS (Direct Recruit). They are not bothered even a little for us and have completely spoiled our career. In the remote past, our officers were able to attain the levels of Commissioner and even Member (in one case) but now we are forced to retire merely as Superintendent due to the totally apathetic & indifferent attitude of so called our own authorities. And this all is happening despite of our dedicated & committed efforts to collect the Govt. Revenue always well ahead of the set targets.
The implementation of cadre restructuring in the recent time was first delayed by the formation of various committees. Then it was delayed by resending the file to the new Revenue Secretary despite of already being approved by the then Revenue Secretary as well as MOS. The file was called back from the office of the then FM without being placed before him. Further, the reorganisation and allocation are still pending being always hanged at the level of Member of CBEC. Again presentations have been made to the new FM & MOS but the notifications & implementation are still pending, the deadline for the same being crossed or about to be crossed. No authority seems to be bothered for our regularly retiring officers without promotion. Now, it seems the proper time for the CBEC to have IAS/other services officers as its Members & Chairman replacing the IRS ones.
Even ACR dossiers are still pending at some places. The concerned units and particularly our Mumbai Unit is again very specifically requested to do the needful for expediting the sending of the dossiers to the concerned committee. One year dossiers for the Appraisers are also still awaited from the Chennai Customs House.
All the concerned units are again requested to clear their dues and donate maximum funds to the Association. It is really not a good thing that the units have to be requested repeatedly for this purpose. The stage to request the units should have not come, rather the dues should have been cleared by all of the units in a gracious manner without being asked for the same. Like it, we all should also be ready for the next agitational step even in more gracious manner.
ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL EXCISE GAZETTED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS(AIACEGEO)(Recognised vide CBEC letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2012-Ad.IV A Dt. 25.02.13 ) (Disclaimer- The views expressed in the Blog post are purely for the consumption of members of AIACEGEO only and the data/facts contained therein should be first verified with authentic source, before using the same, by anyone).