Dear friends,
1) The AEC meeting will be held on 19.07.14 (Saturday) at Chennai. The concerned units and zonal/all India office bearers are requested to intimate their schedule to our Chennai Unit well in advance to avoid any inconvenience to the host as well as delegates. Venue, schedule and the agenda of the meeting will be intimated in due course. All are requested to bring the copy of the minutes of the last AEC and AC (held after Patna AEC meeting) meetings already mailed to every unit and office bearer. All the concerned units are also requested to bring the due amount (cash or cheque) in r/o the pending dues. Willing units are also requested to come with the donation/legal funds to help our All India body.
The following officers of Chennai Unit may kindly be contacted for any query regarding the arrangement and schedule-
1. Sh. S. Chandrasekar (President of Chennai Unit and & Joint Secretary of AIB)-9840670828.
2. Sh. C. Chandramouli (General Secretary of Chennai Unit)-8939955463.
3. Sh. S. Raman (Treasure of Chennai Unit)-9444195309.
2) The efforts are being made to get the proposal of the DPC for the post of AC sent to the UPSC as early as possible. All the concerned units are requested to kindly expedite the sending of relevant ACR dossiers, Vigilance clearance etc. to the concerned committee immediately, if pending anywhere.
3) The efforts are also being made for the issuance of the reorganization notification and allocation order. The draft of allocation order has already again been sent to the concerned section (Ad IV) after due approval of the Board authorities. But it seems that everything would now be sent before issuance to the new FM on account of administrative protocol. Like it, it seems that the reorganization notification will be issued after amendment in the Act during the budget in r/o of defining the work responsibilities of the posts created with new designations.
Ravi Malik.
ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL EXCISE GAZETTED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS(AIACEGEO)(Recognised vide CBEC letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2012-Ad.IV A Dt. 25.02.13 ) (Disclaimer- The views expressed in the Blog post are purely for the consumption of members of AIACEGEO only and the data/facts contained therein should be first verified with authentic source, before using the same, by anyone).