On 14th August, some Board officials went to UPSC with the proposal to conduct DPC for 421 regular posts including 150 cadre restructuring posts. After checking the same, UPSC asked
them to rectify some queries. Now, some amendment has been made in the
seniority list by the Board in r/o many of our officers belonging to
Mumbai Zone by giving them the benefit of seniority from back date.
Therefore, the proposal is now be revamped in r/o of 421 as well as 2118
posts which may take further time as zone of consideration will be
changed. Board officials are again scrutinizing all of the records available with them in
r/o pending ACR vigilance clearances, integrity certificate etc. to
prepare the proposals afresh. DPC has also been delayed due to non submission
of vigilance clearances, ACR dossiers etc. from
different CCs.