Dear friends,
feel honoured and take great pleasure in extending warm welcome to all of you
who have come to this important gathering on the occasion of our 11th
Convention and General Body Meeting to give us support and encouragement in our
efforts in improving the prospects of all the Central Excise Gazetted Executive
Officers posted throughout India. The report ofthe activities of our Association
is being placed before you by me in my capacity as Secretary General. I am
confident that you will go through the report critically and approve the same
with your valuable observations so as to enable the future committeeof our
Association to chalk out suitable action-plans and carry out activities
accordingly for realizing the aspirations of our officers posted throughout
2. I also
congratulate and thankour Daman-Vapi Uniton behalf of the All India Association
of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers for this excellently pleasing
&beautiful arrangement. Very hopefully, this meeting would further
strengthen our solidarity and unity giving all of us one more opportunity to
interact with each other and give constructive suggestions in the common
interest of the cadre. No need to say that our united efforts are the only key to
our success.
Despite of the fact that everythingand every action of the All India Body have
already been communicated through the electronic mails&blogspot(Cengo
India)of the Association,I have the privilege to submit this brief report on
behalf of the All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive
Officers under the forthcoming paragraphs.This Report is nothing but a report
on behalf of the committee and all members of the Association regarding
collective efforts made by them in the common interest of the cadre. It has,
therefore, been termed as the report of the existing body instead of the
Secretary General's report.
4. An
Association can never function properly, if there is not a proper rapport and
tuning among all the office bearers & members including President and
Secretary General. All of them gave their full support to the Association and
cooperated in each and every matter. Whatever happened during the tenure of
the existing body, it was never possible without the cooperation, contribution
& commitment of all of them. I am personally thankful to all of them for
their roles in the common interest of the cadre.
5. It'snow time for a new Central Committee to take charge of the
AIACEGEO. Our ensuing Convention will elect a new Committee. We
trust our Units will exercise their franchise astutely with foresight
showing good judgment to elect new Committee. It has been a great
privilege to champion the causes of cadre since July, 2012 when we were elected
at the Jaipur Convention. It is the result of the relentless efforts of the
present Committee that more than 3100 Group-A posts have been created in
CR-2013 of CBEC. The present Committee has left no stone unturned for the
purpose of eliminatingthedisparities in promotions with the
intraorganisational, intradepartmental as well as
6. An OA was filed in the Principal Bench of CAT by the Association
challenging the discriminating Group ‘A’ RRs and maintaining parity in
promotions among three base categories (Inspector, PO & Examiner)
of Inspectors. In AEC meeting held at Patna, it was raised by
some units to solve the intra-Central Excise regional disparities in promotions
retrospectivelyeither in accordance with the judgement of Hon’ble Apex Court in
the case of Radheshyam Singh vrs. Union of India or applying the principle of
combined length of service (Inspector+Superintendent) for promotion to the
grade of Asst. Commissioner. A committee was constituted comprising all Vice
Presidents and Joint Secretaries of our Association but the committee is yet to
submit its report. The issue of the promotion to the post of Asstt.
Commissioner on the basis of combined length of service as
Inspector+Superintendent was also raised by the Association in 2010 in r/o
seeking parity with Examiners but the same was not accepted by the Board in
2011 finding itlegally untenableon account of having different cadre controlling
authorities at base cadre level. Instead of it, in-situ promotions scheme was
agreed by them independent of cadre restructuring but the same was
unfortunately kept in abeyance on the pretext of opposition from within us as
some unit met the then Member (P&V) and Member (Customs) to oppose it as
informed by these authorities. This issue of base cadre seniority was also
discussed with the Revenue Secretary but he was also not agreed to it saying
that it is not possible even in the case of elite service of IAS on account of
having different state cadres with different promotional avenues. This issue is
also under consideration of RR committee,Neeraja Shah committee and stagnation
committee of B. B. Agrawal, the outcome of which is awaited. However as per
legal advice, these disparities will automatically be removed if we are able to
get parity with any of thecategory of our counterparts, i.e.,
intraorganisational, intradepartmental or interdepartmental.
7. As per legal advice, Inspector is not an all India cadrein accordance of
Fundamental Rules. If all the cadre controlling authorities are merged into one,
onlythen all India seniority list in the grade of Inspectors can be maintained with
prospective effect. We consulted prominent lawyers on the issue. As per the legal
advice,OA was filed in the CAT to maintain parity in promotions with the common
entry intraorganisational counterpartson the basis of basic concept of parity as
granted by our Constitution. By this case, both intra-cadre and inter-cadre
disparitiesmay be removed. The issue of stagnation and parity/disparity
dominated our agenda throughout the tenure. There is hardly a door which we
haven't knocked in pursuit of solutions to this chronic and extremely vexing
problem. We have not only submitted representations but also personally
approached the Cabinet Secretary (the head of the CR Committee) for removal of
stagnation problem permanently. He was kindenough to recommend to the Cabinet
about bringing of some scheme independent of cadre restructuring to remove
stagnation of our officers.The Cabinet also approved his recommendations and as
a result as per the directions of the Cabinet Secretary, the Stagnation
Committee has been constituted under headship of Sh. B. B. Agrawal.
8. We have submitted our memorandum to Stagnation Committee raising every
issue including intra-organisational, intra-departmental, inter-departmental
and intra-Central Excise disparities. We have also appeared before this
Committee to submit oral evidences on 31.07.14 and 09.11.14. As per the request
of the Committee, we have also submitted one additional memorandum describing the
required model executive manpower for the entire department as well as taking
other measures for our officers independent of cadre restructuring. Our main request
before this committee is to remove intra-organisational, intra-departmental,
inter-departmental and intra-Central Excise disparities by granting us paritywith
our best placed counterparts taking organisation specific measures whether by
functional promotions or in-situ promotions through flexible promotional/dynamic
assured career progression scheme or non-functional upgradation with a
provision of batch-wise upgradation based on the precedent of Organised Group-A
Services or creation of a separate service with additional posts.However, lack
of organisational spirit by a few of our units in approaching and meeting the
Board officials directly and communicating divergent demands hasput the
overall credibility of our Association a bitin question with possibility of
diluting the influence mustered through protracted and massive efforts giving
the tool of “divide & rule” in the hands of the administration. Recently,a
few of our Units also met the Stagnation Committee diluting actual cause. We
need to be far more responsible in fulfilling our responsibilities and
obligations towards the organisation. Similarly as mentioned above, Board decided
earlier on 12.01.11 (vide BMB No. 06/2011) for introduction of in-situ promotion
scheme.But some of our units opposed this scheme and directly submitted
representations for not introducingit. As
already mentioned in para 6 above, the Board got the pretext of opposition of
the scheme from within usto dump iton receiving such objections, whereas this
scheme was also having the provisions of counting of in-situservice asAsstt.
Commissioner for further promotions in Group-A.
9. The existing
body of theAll India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers
took up various issues in the interest of the cadre during its tenure. The
suggestions of all the office bearers and the units were always taken into
account at the time of taking up the issues. Every step was taken for the
success and bright future of the cadre whether relating to career prospects or
pay matters or any other issues.As & when required,the issues relating to
the individualunits, office bearers and members in r/otransfer, harassment,
vigilance etc. were taken up with the Central as well as local administration
on being asked by the concerned unit or office bearer. The brief account of the
issues taken up during the tenure of the existing body is givenunder the
forthcoming paragraphs.
10. The issue of
the stagnation was taken up by the All India Body at the various levels
including HRD, the Members and Chairperson of the Board, Revenue Secretary,
DOPT Secretary, Expenditure Secretary, MOS of DOPT, MOS of Finance, Cabinet
Secretary,Minister of Finance and many other VIPs etc. having meetings with
them and submitting the representations in person. It also includes the
relevant correspondence made with the Hon’ble Prime Minister as well as
President. It is very unfortunate that the most of our officers have been
retiring in PB2 after joining the job in PB2 itself while our common entry
counterparts are easily attaining PB4 levels. The cadre restructuring was
hectically pursued by the Association to get the maximum Group-A promotional
posts for our officers. Initially, the CBEC intended to propose the increase of
only 800 posts and then 1200 posts at AC/DC level which was increased finally
to 2618 on account of the hectic efforts made by the All India Body. This
increase was not made in a single stretch but it was the result of the various
meetings held at various levels. We, however, require more upto higher levels
on account of our prolonged & extraordinarily acute stagnation but it is
also certainly a great achievement to get our around 2000 Central
ExciseSuperintendents entered into Group-Aat the first step of the
implementation of cadre restructuring which never happened in the history. Not
only it, 2118 posts of Asstt. Commissioner will be kept intact only for
promotee officers without giving even a single post for direct entry out of
these and filling-up in un-staggered manner. No need to say that these posts
will also be carried beyond 5 years and never be abolished on account of ever
increasing functional requirement of the CBEC. The officers promoted against
these posts will also get upward movement as per the legal verdict alreadygiven
by the Chennai CAT in the case of promotee IRS Officers’ Association vrs. Union
of India. Thus, it has now been ensured that our officers will not retire on a
post lower than the Asstt. Commissionerin PB3. No need to say that this all
happened due to the hectic efforts made by our Association.As already
mentioned, the All India Body has also taken up the matter with the Cabinet
Secretary by meeting with him many times to devise some scheme independent of cadre
restructuring for our officers for their upward movement on functional or even
non-functional basis. He was kindenough to recommend to the Cabinet to bring
some scheme for our Group-B officers to remove their stagnation independent of
cadre restructuring which has been very well accepted by the Cabinet. Not only
it, he has already recommended to our department to devise the measures to
grant us parity with our counterparts of CSS etc. and also grant us the
non-functional financial upgradation with our best placed Group-B common entry
counterparts. The file of non-functional financial upgradation is already with
the DOPT. No need also to say that such type of things have happened first time
in the history of our cadre when the Cabinet Secretary himself took interest
for our cause after realizing the gross& prolonged injustice being done to
us. Once, there was a great danger of austerity measures on our CR but it was
also overcome by the efforts of our Association. We have to keep our fight
continued until our officers are able to get at least 5 functional promotions
in the career. We should never be happy only with two promotions in the career.
The hurdle of DOPT was also cleared by meeting with the MOS as well as
Secretary of DOPT many times.
11. The CBEC initially recommended for creation of near about 4000 Group-A
postsin the CRon
persuasion by our Association. The then
Chairman, having a very good rapport with the then FM, was determined for
approval of these posts. But very unfortunately, some other Associations rose
objections on such proposal and pursued the then Revenue Secretary to obtain a
copy of CR proposal. After getting the copy, several objections weresubmitted
and approval of CRwas delayed without acceptance even of a single objection
raised by them. Due to delay in approval of CR, our many senior members retired
without entering into Group-A. Meanwhile the then Chairman retired and DOPT
rejected the CR proposal directing CBEC to create not more than 1000 Group-A
posts. Due to the pressure made by our Association, the then FM and MOS of DOPT
jointly agreed for creation of near about 2500 Group-A posts. However due tothe
continuous pressure mounted by our Association, finally it was agreed to create
nearly 3100 Group-A posts.
12. Out of about 3100 Group-A posts, 2118 temporary posts
of AC have been created on functional necessity basis which can be converted to
regular after 3 years as per DOPT guidelines or can be extended further after 5
years. These temporary posts have been created to provide promotions onlyto
promotee officers. This is a very big achievement of our Association. On one
side,some Association/s tried to stall the CR and on the other side, we tried
for immediate approval of it. Finally, CR was approved by the Cabinet. No
need to say that the Cabinet Secretary played a very important role to get the
much wanted approval on our request.Immediate after the approval of CR, we
submitted representations to (1) allow
100% promotions against the posts created in CR (2) down-gradation of higher
posts which cannot be filled-up due to unavailability of eligible officers (3)
Ad-hoc promotions against vacant DR quota and (4) creation of leave reserved
posts etc. We have also contacted DOPT for down-gradation of higher posts, but
meanwhile Board submitted a proposal for one time relaxation of RRs to fill-up
the higher posts by reducing the qualifying service. Such proposal of CBEC is
pending with DOPT. If this proposal is not accepted by DOPT, Board will be
pursued to submit the proposal for down-gradation of higher posts as already
assured by them. The Chairperson of CBEC has also assured to submit a proposal
to DOPT for creation of leave reserved posts and to fill-up vacant DR posts to
grant ad-hoc promotions to our officers.
13. The CR notification creating various posts was issued
on 18.12.13 and there was no problem to grant promotions to Group-A JTS posts
at least on in-situ basis. But the proposal to conduct DPC could not be
submitted to UPSC in time due to the non-submission of ACR dossiers, vigilance
clearances etc. by field formations, filing of different Court cases etc.
etc.Finally,the Board submitted a proposal to UPSC on 15.09.14 to conduct DPC
for 421 posts only. However due to our persuasion and initiation, UPSC agreed
to revert back the proposal with a direction to conduct DPC at CBEC Board level.
As per our request, Board conducted a single DPC for 421 and 2118 posts on
17.10.14 to 19.10.14. This DPC, however, could have been conducted earlier, if
ACR/APAR dossiers, vigilance clearances etc. were sent timely and correctly by
the field formations as DG, HRD duly wrote them to keep the same ready in the
month of August/September, 13 on persuasion of the Association.
14. It may not be out of place to state that it is not
required to consult UPSC to conduct DPC to grant ad-hoc promotions. We were promised
to hold at least two DPCs in the year by CBEC for ad-hoc promotions to the post
of AC. But some of our Unit lodged complaint before UPSC about long pending ad-hocism
in promotions in CBEC. UPSC took the matter seriously and approached the
Cabinet Secretary on the issue. As a result, the CBEC was directed to consultthe
UPSC for ad-hoc promotions also. Thus very unfortunately, the ad-hoc promotions
to the post of AC werestarted to be delayed tremendously on account of the
prescribed lengthy procedure of regular DPC being followedeven for ad-hoc
promotions and also always having a very tight schedule by UPSC due to looking
after the DPCs, recruitments etc. for other departments too. Thus, only 3 DPC’s
could be conducted by UPSC in the last 4 years for the post of AC. Now as per
our request, UPSC & DOPT somehow agreed to give clearance to the Boardto
conduct DPC for ad-hoc promotions.
15. Hon’ble Apex Court on
03.08.11 in W.P. No. 385/10 filed by the Association in the name of Sh. Vimal
Kumar directed the Board to amend the RRs on the basis of representations of different
Associations and also directed that the pending ad-hoc promotions are to be
regularized on the basis of the decision of the Board to be taken in this
matter. Our Association submitted representation for amendment of RRs in the way of maintaining
either base cadre or feeder cadre parity. But very unfortunately, a few other
Associations and some Unit of our Association also submitted representations
for enhancement of ratio. Thus, the Board framed the RRs on the basis of 13:2:1
ratio and decided for prospective implementation of RRs regularising the ad-hoc
promotions on the basis of old RRs on the ground that RRs operative on the date
of vacancy would be applied for promotions. Board as well as one of our units
also filed clarificatory petitions after the verdict of 03.08.11 which were
rejected by the Supreme Court. Despite of such rejection, Board did not agree
to make the regularisation of ad-hoc promotions pending since 1997 on the basis
of new ratio. Hence, contempt petitions were also filed but SC rejected the same
duly considering that the decision of Board was appropriate and the same would
abide for regularisation of ad-hoc promotions. However as SC had not
decided the case on merit, a case has already been filed by Shri K. S. Pandit
before SC to decide the case on merit and we had also already filed it in the
CAT. Hence, the matter is now subjudice in the Apex as well as Principal Bench
of CAT.
16. As opined by the legal experts
consulted by us, the clarificatory & contempt petitions by some of our
units have closed all the doors for us to get the regularization of ad hoc
promotions based on new RRs. However, no need to say that we have already
challenged the new 13:2:1 RRs because of the same not being acceptable to us.It is also interesting that the Inspectors Association
paid its thanks to the CBEC for reframing of RRs based on 13:2:1 ratio instead
of parity, whether base cadre or feeder cadre. The then JS was very much
interested to frame the RRs based on the base cadre parity but was very much
disappointed by the issue not being raised by the Inspectors Association.
However in course of the discussions of our President with the Chairperson on a
holiday in Puri, she has told that now Board is willing to revise the RRs to
grant promotionsbased on common seniority list of feeder categories and to
exempt UPSC consultation in granting of ad-hoc promotions to JTS posts.
17. During the
period under reportage, all the resolutions passed/adopted in the meetings of
either Associate Committees or Associate Executive Committees were immediately
communicated to CBEC for redressal. These points were also raised before the
authorities in grievance redressal meetings.The recorded minutes of such
grievance meetings were also forwarded to all of our Units and Regional office bearers.The
matters relating to anomalies on Pay/MACP/Time Scale (NFGP) etc. were referred
by Board, as agreed upon in grievance meetings, to nodal departments like DOPT,
Expenditure etc. for consideration. But these proposals were not accepted by
concerned nodal department arbitrarily.Therefore, we were forced to file OA’s
in Central Administrative Tribunals.
18. In the course
of near about 2 hours discussions of our President with Chairperson of CBEC as
per her telephonic request during her Puri visit on a holiday, the Chairperson
admitted that the Stagnation Committee headed by Shri B. B.Agrawal has been
constituted as per the directions of the Cabinet Secretary to solve the
stagnation problem of our cadre on a long term basis independent of cadre
restructuring.She also stated interalia that (a) the temporary posts have been created
on the basis of functional necessity of the department for collection of
adequate revenues, hence the same will
not be abolished after 5 years(however, the period of 5 years is mentioned in
the notification as per the requirement of the provisions for creation of temporary
posts) (b) Cabinet approval is must for creation of posts for existing service
as well as any proposed service (c) DOPT has stated that no separate
service can be created like CSS in a department having Organised Group-A
service, where certain percentage of posts are reserved for promotee officersin
such organised service (d) DOPT has clearly stated that unless the cadre controlling zones are merged
to one all India zonewith single appointing authority, it is not possible to
implement all India seniority list in the grade of Inspector (e) The qualifying
years of service as prescribed by DOPT on the basis of pay fixation as per the recommendations
of 6th CPC are not mandatory
( f) CBEC is willing to frame new RRs to grant promotions to all three feeder
categories on the basis of a common seniority list and not to involve UPSC in
granting promotions to JTS grade (g) Before approval of the Cabinet for
creation of posts,the proposal must be initiated by the concerned department
duly conducting proper study by different groups/committees justifying the
creation of posts on the basis of different guidelines prescribed by
DOPT/Expenditure and also norms prescribed by SIU,and duly taking approval from the IFU, Head of the Organisation, Secretary
of the Department and Minister in Charge. Thereafter, the proposal should be
placed before CadreReview Committee duly taking approval from Expenditure
Secretary, Minister in Charge of Expenditure, Secretary and Minister of DOPT
and by FM. If there is any disagreement during the meeting of Cadre Review
Committee, it will be placed before a committee comprising of Group of Ministers or otherwise directly to
Cabinet for approval (h) In-situ promotional scheme is expenditure neutral and
only FM is competent to approve the same and CBEC in principle had already
agreed for introduction of such scheme in Board meeting held during 2011 (i) In
such Board meeting, it was agreed upon for introduction of in-situ scheme on
the lines of the scheme as existing in the D/O Science and Technology, D/O
Health, CSS and Rajya Sabha Secretariat (j) It was also agreed upon in the
scheme to grant JTS status on completion of 20 years (Inspector+ Superintendent)
and STS status on completion of 5 years
in JTS status (k) She has already instructed the Stagnation Committee to submit
its report for a long term solution of
stagnation issue as well as short term
benefit by introducing in-situ
promotional scheme (l) A proposal for relaxation of qualifying years of service
for Group-A is pending with DOPT (m) A proposal for down-gradation of higher
posts will be submitted on completion of meetings of all DPCs (n) A proposal for filling-up of DR
posts to be lying vacant for a period of one year or more by granting ad hoc
promotions will also be submitted to DOPT.
19. Though the
creation of temporary posts will benefit thousands of our officers and this is
a very big achievement of our Association as a whole, however immediately after
the issuance of cadre restructuring notification dated 18.12.13 by Board, we
submitted the representations to PM/FM and other authorities pointing out the
discrepancies of the CR with an intention to get more benefits.
20. It is known to all that certain other Associations have made delay in
the CR. Some of us are still not interested in base cadre parity with
Customs counterparts but asking for base cadre parity within Central Exciseinciting
the intra-Central Excise fightings. If we can attain the base cadre parity
within Central Excise in accordance of their version, we can also attain base
cadre parity with Customs. No need to say that the base cadre parity with
Customs will give us the actual benefit also removing the intra-Central Excise
disparities as the Examiner of 1984 has already become Joint Commissioner with
sufficient service left and will certainly become at least ADC or Commissioner
whereas our Inspector of 1984 is still waiting to become AC. The issue of
intra-Central Excise disparities will also dilute our case of parity with the
intraorganisational common entry counterparts, which our Board authorities also
desire to be diluted. It is also worth to mention that intra-Central Excise
disparities always keep fluctuating based on various factors. The zones which
were far ahead of others in the past are behind others now and vice-versa.
21. We have highlighted in our memorandum submitted to the 7th CPC
not only to consider higher pay scale for us but also for removal of
stagnation.We are also in regular touch with the Pay Commission on their
calls as they are very much impressed by our representation/memorandum. We
should expect something better from the Pay Commission this time as per the
things being transpired between them and us. In our memorandum, we have
interalia demanded for pay parity with DSP of CBI, at least 5 upgardations in
promotional hierarchy, one rank-one pension, effect of 7th CPC recommendations
from 01.01.14, introduction of flexible promotional scheme and batch wise upgradation
22. It is
also known to everyone that CBEC is not in the habit of implementing the
guidelines prescribed by DOPT to conduct Cadre Restructuring, to conduct DPC,
to frame Recruitment Rules etc. CBEC never showed any interest to improve
the career prospects of Group-B Gazetted Officers. The CBEC officials have been
working with the only motive of “all the good for self, self-ego &
power”. Despite such attitude of CBEC officials,
all together performed hard work and succeeded to get around 3100 Group-A posts
in the course of CR-2013. Due to our persuasion, a committee has been
constituted to solve the stagnation issue permanently independent of cadre
restructuringdespite of indifferent & negative attitude of CBEC officials.
The matter of the higher pay scalewas taken up with the different authoritiesincluding
the implementation of the para 7.15.24 of the 6th CPC report
granting us parity with the Chief Enforcement Officers. It is already with the
Department of Expenditure.As we all know, a legal case is also already pending
in the Cuttack CAT demanding an initial grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB3 for our
Superintendents at par with the counterparts of IB, CBI etc.
The legal case challenging the MACP irregularities has also already been filed
in the Principal Bench of CAT in Delhi. Reply of the Govt. in this case is
still awaited.
As already mentioned, a legal case asking parity in promotions with the
intra-organisationnal common entry counterparts is also at the stage of final
arguments in thePrincipal Bench of CAT. We may get rid not only of the
intra-Central Excise disparities but also get parity with Examiner of Customs
by this case. No need to say that Examiners are already reaching the level of
Addl. Commissioner as also accepted by the CBEC. We have nothing against them
and not asking to withdraw their benefit. We are merely asking for the same
benefit for us. We wish that they and we should get even more benefits
including the parity with other better placed counterparts.
The provisionsof extended panel to
grant promotionswere not being implemented by the CBEC for promotion from
Group-B to Group-A. Now, they have started to implement the same due to the efforts
made byour Association.More than 400 officers have been promoted in the
promotion orders issued on 22.10.14 for 1863 of our officers by the
implementation of the provisions of extended panel as a great Deepawali Gift.
Very hectic efforts were made by the Association to get the promotion orders
issued on the occasion of Deepawali. All of the things were going on very well
on 22.10.14 and we were promised even by the Revenue Secretary for the issuance
of the orders on this day. But things moved towards a disappointing note in the
evening due to the MOS not being able to return to Delhi from Hyderabad. Again
the matter was pursued very hectically and as a result, the file was cleared by
the FM at his residence in the late evening and “Happy Deepawali” message was
received from our Revenue Secretary. The promotion orders were issued on the
very same day in very late evening on account of the seriousness & interest
being shown by our CBEC authorities too including the Chairperson & Member
(P&V) this time. The efforts are already being made to get an early DPC for
2014-15 and also advance DPC for 2015-16. Expectedly both of the DPCs will be
conducted very soon, if we are able to provide the ACR/APAR dossiers, vigilance
clearances etc. timely & correctly.We have already been asked by the Board
to ask our members to be vigil in having the relevant records ready. The
message of doing the needful in this regard has already been passed to every
unit & office bearer.
27. The standstill of
the type of 22.10.14 was also faced at the time of the issuance of the
notification of cadre restructuring. The CBEC wanted to change the figures
approved by the Cabinet in the interest of the higher authorities at the time
of the approval of the notification by the former FM. If it was done, whole of
the cadre restructuring would have been revamped requiring fresh approval of
Cabinet, which means processing of the cadre restructuring proposal afresh
again taking many years resulting into continuous retirement of our officers
without promotion for many more years. The things were brought to the knowledge
of the then Revenue Secretary, Sh. Sumit Bose. He was kindenough not to approve
the changed figures of CBEC asking them to bring the things in consonance of
Cabinet approval. He was requested by us on the day of his retirement to do the
needful. He was again kindenough to send the file to the FM on the very same
day. After it, the former FM was busy in some election schedule and CBEC
authorities didn’t dare to contact him out of his office for the approval of
the file. The Association again made its own efforts and finally, he cleared
the file despite of the opposition from the next Revenue Secretary seeking more
timeand the notification was issued on 18.12.13. At this time also, very
sincere efforts were made by the Inspectors Association before the new Revenue
Secretary to delay the CR in the name of the removal of the regional
disparities for promotion to the post of Superintendent from Inspector saying
that the CR shouldn’t be implemented without removal of the said disparities
despite of the CR file already being cleared by the former Revenue Secretary.
Their version of regional disparities was not accepted by the Revenue Secretary
but the CR was delayed due to new style of working of the new Revenue
Secretary. Again same efforts were made by the Inspectors Association to delay
the CR before RRs Committee, Neeraja Shah Committee and B. B. Agrawal Committee
saying the same thing of not implementing the CR before the removal of the regional
disparities. But our Association always made the sincere efforts to get the CR
implemented particularly keeping in view the mass scale regular retirements of
our officers withonly single promotion and the result is before all of us in
the form of the fabulous Deepawali gift.
28. However, no
promotion orders to the post of AC have been issued for the Appraiser category
due to some litigation. 200 posts from Central Excise quota and some also from
Customs share have been kept un-filled perhaps due to some litigation. Central
Excise share has also not been filled-up completely perhaps due to some
reservation issue being pending in legal court.
29. The matter
of the issuance of the general guidelines for transfer & postings instead
of draft was taken up with the administration by the All India Body. As a
result, the general guidelines of transfer/posting policy of 1994 for Central
Excise group ‘B’ officers have already been reiterated on the site of CBEC. It
also has the clause not to transfer the Association functionaries out of the
Headquarters office. It has also been agreed to make transfer/posting policy in
consultation of the units of the Association in field formations in the wake of
the implementation of the cadre restructuring. The issue of transfer of newly
promoted ACs was also discussed with the Board and it has been agreed that the
officers will be kept in their own zone. They will be transferred to the nearby
zones only, if vacancies are not available in their zones.
30. The Board
has also already given the directions to the field formations on persuasion by
the Association to avail due infrastructure. Hope that every unit should have taken
up this issuewith the respective local administration.
31. The issue of
the stepping upof the pay of the seniors in case of getting less pay than
juniors under ACPS/MACPS is already with the DOPT based on the efforts made by
the All India Body
in accordance of the legal pronouncements. The orders for general acceptance
of the same by the DOPT are very much expected, otherwise we shall have to take
legal recourse.
32. Various Satyagrahaprogrammes were observedand also deferred as per the
demand of the situation & circumstancesvery tactically in the interest of
the cadre. We all, however, have to understand
the importance of such programmes. These are the actual tools to fulfill our
aims, if observed effectively with completeness. Such programmes are never made
successful merely by the issuance of the circulars. Hectic efforts are to be
made by making personal contacts with members, sending SMS’s & e-mails to
every member, telephoning them, having meetings at every office and going to
their residences etc. to actually observe the programmes. The formal or weak
approach in such matters never gives the desired result. We have to observe
such programmes in totally strong manner without being afraid of Conduct Rules.
This is the only way to resolve our issues in the least time and in the most
effective manner. Hence, I would like to appeal all of you to think seriously
about conducting of a strong agitation to achieve our goals.
33. The issue of the allotment ofthecentralised GPF
account was taken up and it is very much expected to get it centralized/on line
very soon.
34. The recognition
of the Association was also got renewed further for 5 years by the All India
Body despite of the same being made very complicated by the CBEC.
35. The officers were
being posted temporarily or with additional charge or for a very short period
at HRD. A regular DG was posted at HRD with the efforts of the Association to
streamline the things in the interest of the cadre which were pending once upon
a time in HRD due to the want of the regular DG.
36. RTI Actis also being used to get
information on various issues in the interest of the cadre.
37. All the
units are requested to clear the subscription duesand also donate the maximum
fundsto the Association to be used for the various purposes. We should not
forget that the funds play a very important and vital role to get the desired
results. We should not be failed in our
efforts at least for the want of funds.
38. The issue of
the enhancement of the rewardwas also taken up by the Association. The Board accepted
the same with the issuance of the relevant minutes.
39. The issue to
strengthen the employee grievances redressal
mechanismwas taken up. The due circulars have already been issued to the
field formations by the CBEC to hold the meetings with the staff Associations.
40. The issue of the stoppage of
the group ‘A’ direct recruitmentfor more than one years at the time of the
implementation of the cadre restructuring was taken up by theAll India
Body. As a result, no direct recruitment will be made against 2118 temporary
posts for 5 years.
41. The issue of the filling-up of all
posts in un-staggered manner at the time of the implementation of the cadre
restructuring was taken up by theAll India Body. As a result, all of the
temporary posts specifically created for the promotion of promotee officers are
being filled-up in un-staggered manner.
42. The issue of the filling-up of
all posts only by promotion at the time of the implementation of the cadre
restructuring was taken up by theAll India Body. As a result, all of the
temporary posts are being filled-up only by promotion.
43. AIACEGEO also
started an initiation for formation of a common Federation of Superintendents
and Inspectors. Accordingly AIACEGEO invited the office bearers of AICEIA for
discussions.After discussions, a committee was also formed comprisingof the
office bearers of AICEIA & AIACEGEO both. But very unfortunately much
progress could not be made in the formation of such Federation as the leaders
of AICEIA suddenly submitted one letter to Board stating that the representatives
of AIACEGEO should not be invited to furnish their opinions before Neeraja Shah
Committee on unification of Group ‘B’ Non-gazetted Executive grades into
three all India cadres. Therefore, both the
Associations could not come to a united plateform. However since at present new
office bearers have already been elected in AICEIA, it may be the appropriate
time to form such Federation.
44. TheAll India
Body raised many more issues before the administration in the interest of the
cadre as and when required. The issues were raised as per the need of the
various units also, whenever asked.
45. We pay our
compliments to you all for your sagacious selection of your representatives. An
overwhelming majority of the members of Associate Committee have performed
their work exceedingly well; the contribution of some has been outstanding. I
thank them one and all for renderingtheir valuable cooperation and giving
useful suggestions making the job of the Association easier. There may be some
areas which could not be attended or even if attended, the desired result could
not be achieved. But it was not due to any malice or motive. We have tried our
best in the interest of the cadre. We have been constantly striving to create
high image of our Association. If you feel that we have sincerely tried to do
something for the cadre, we feel honoured for having justified the confidence
beinghad in us by you all. We also pay our sincere thanks to all of our member
officers who gave their full time day and night service to HRD to implement the
CR resulting into the promotions of our thousands of officers on the eve of
In the last,I alongwith our President Sh. Lokanath Mishra extend all of my
thanks on behalf of the All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted
Executive Officersto all of you attending the meeting after coming from every
corner of the country. It is also worth to mention that all the actions and
activities of the Association became possible only by the cooperation and
support given by you all, all the units, all the office bearers including the
regional/zonal ones and each & every member of the Association throughout
the country. The situation of the SG being in Delhi itself also made the things
convenient to meet the concerned authorities within no time on being called or without
being called and pursue the various issues in the interest of the cadre in more
amicable manner by meeting with the authorities even without appointment.It is
worth to note that the most of the times entering into the CBEC offices without
prior appointment as unwanted guest to take up the issues relating to our cadre
including the promotional matters is not the culture of our CBEC authorities.Despite
of it, every issue was taken up by meeting with the concerned authorities and
every relevant information was gathered immediately and circulated within no
time due to the situation of SG being in Delhi. With all of my regards &
respect, I also want to say that we were guided & headed by an “excellent &
extraordinary” President namely Sh. Lokanath Mishra during the tenure of the
present body, who always single-handedly operated the blogspot of the
Association in a masterly manner based on histhorough knowledge on service
mattersproviding various informations not only to our officers but also to the
officers of various other departments.His
very active role in preparing this report is also very highly appreciable. His
commitment for the cause of the cadre was always exemplary and we all should
learn from him how to fulfill the commitments.With utmost sincerity and
dedication, he always tried to solve the problems of our cadre.
47. Before I
conclude, I thank all the delegates for having given me an opportunity to serve
for the betterment of the cadre. Wishing all the best to the Association and
each one of you. Long live our unity, solidarity and organizational
integrity.JAI HIND.
With all of my loves
& regards,