Dear friends, One more Namaste. Hope that everybody would have gone through my earlier mail sent today in the morning and seen the attachment. As also mentioned in the attached letter with the earlier mail, it is to ensure to send the information specifically directly ONLY to Sh. Ashwani Lau. It is NOWAY to be sent or endorsed to any other authority including the Chairman or Member (P&V) or JS (Admn) or DG/ADG of HRD or any section of the CBEC to avoid unwarranted delay as well as multiplication of Dak. No need to mention that multiplication of Dak or sending it to anybody else instead of Sh. Lau would unnecessarily delay the already delayed process. SALUTE TO OUR PROMOTEE ASSTT. COMMISSIONERS OF SHILLONG ZONE TO HELP THE ASSOCIATION BY RS. 30000/. Love, Ravi Malik. SG/ AIACEGEO. |
ALL INDIA ASSOCIATION OF CENTRAL EXCISE GAZETTED EXECUTIVE OFFICERS(AIACEGEO)(Recognised vide CBEC letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2012-Ad.IV A Dt. 25.02.13 ) (Disclaimer- The views expressed in the Blog post are purely for the consumption of members of AIACEGEO only and the data/facts contained therein should be first verified with authentic source, before using the same, by anyone).