Personnel in Age Group of 50 to 60: With a view to ascertaining the retirements that would take place in the coming few years the Commission reviewed the data for all ministries/departments in the age group of 50 to 60 years. Of the total 33.02 lakh persons in position, as on 01.01.2014, 9.48 lakh persons, constituting about 29 percent of personnel were in the age group of 50 to 60 years.
3.60 Table 8 brings out the position in this regard amongst the largest ministries/departments.
Table 8: Proportion of Personnel in 50-60 Age Group

3.61 Data provided to the Commission indicates an unusually large percentage of personnel in the 50-60 years age group in certain ministries/departments- 75 percent in Textiles, 64 percent in Coal, 62 percent in Urban Development, 60 percent in Petroleum and Natural Gas, 57 percent in Science and Technology, 56 percent in Heavy Industry, 52 percent in New and Renewable Energy, 51 percent in AYUSH and 50 percent in Power. This is a ready pointer to the number of retirements that would take place in the next ten years.
3.61 Data provided to the Commission indicates an unusually large percentage of personnel in the 50-60 years age group in certain ministries/departments- 75 percent in Textiles, 64 percent in Coal, 62 percent in Urban Development, 60 percent in Petroleum and Natural Gas, 57 percent in Science and Technology, 56 percent in Heavy Industry, 52 percent in New and Renewable Energy, 51 percent in AYUSH and 50 percent in Power. This is a ready pointer to the number of retirements that would take place in the next ten years.
3.62 The Ministry wise particulars of age profile of personnel as on 01.01.2014 is detailed in Annex 5
3.63 The Commission notes that losing experienced high level personnel entails unquantifiable costs as new recruits will require training and on the job skills. At the same time it presents ministries/departments the opportunity to align their personnel requirement in line with their current and future challenges.