Tuesday, 18 December 2018


           As per the call given by Shri Ravi Malik, Secretary General of AIACEGEO (All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers), on behalf of the CBIC Confederation which was formed to fight the issues of common interest by the associations under CBIC, a meeting of the Confederation was held on 18.11.2018 at New Delhi. Sh. A. Venkatesh, President of AIACEGEO, and Shri Ravi Malik, Secretary General of AIACEGEO, welcomed the delegates. Sh. A. Venkatesh and Sh. Ravi Malik informed the delegates that the common agenda for all cadres was forwarded to CBIC as below:-

1.      Parity with counterparts ensuring at least 05 functional promotions and immediate DPC for  all cadres;
2.      Parity in pay matters with counterparts;
3.      NFU at par with counterparts;
4.      Parity of officers selected through SSC with the officers selected through State PCS, i.e., parity between central officers and state officers under GST.
5.      Finalisation of seniority lists and RRs (Recruitment Rules) under consultation with the concerned association.

             Sh. Ravi Malik elaborated all of the above points. He narrated that our counterparts in other departments are easily getting 5 to 6 promotions. About DPC, he said that every DPC is being delayed in our CBIC for our officers. He added that the clear disparity also exists in the pay matters in comparison with our counterparts. He elaborated the NFU being granted to Group ‘A’ counterparts of IAS with the difference of two years, if they are not getting functional promotions at par with the counterparts of IAS. He said that the above difference of two years in the case of Group ‘A’ is discriminatory in itself and should be undone. He also said that four years time scale is different from this NFU. This NFU is actually the grant of the pay scale of the post on which our best placed counterparts are working after being recruited with us. If we talk in the terms of GST, our counterparts in the State GST are not only placed in higher scales than us but have also been upgraded by one rank. By this, the counterpart CGST officers have been placed below by one rank in comparison to the State officers. This disparity should be removed. He specified that the state governments have upgraded the post by one rank upto the ADC level under GST. In addition to it, Superintendent level post has already been placed under a pay scale of Rs. 5400/- in PB-3 in the state governments. He also reiterated that all seniority lists should be updated and all RRs should be finalised under the consultation with the stake holder association/s.  

            He added that the issue of upgradation under GST is already being taken up since very beginning by the AIACEGEO. Regarding the DPC for the post of Asstt. Commissioner, he informed that some of our own colleagues tried and are still trying to halt the DPC and the AIACEGEO had to get the stay on DPC vacated on last two occasions, once in the High Court of Madras and other in the Supreme Court. Regarding the implementation of the N. R. Parmar case, he informed that it can be implemented only after the finalisation of the SLP filed by the CBIC in the Supreme Court in the Bharathan matter. He also reiterated that the DPC for any cadre should not be halted/lingered on due to any litigation. The House unanimously agreed to him. Sh. Ravi Malik also suggested that Cadre Restructuring proposal should also be signed by all constituent associations on the pattern of CBDT which was agreed by all constituents and it was decided to write a letter to the CBIC on this issue.

            He further elaborated the things relating to AIACEGEO regarding legal cases. He informed that the AIACEGEO is already in the legal courts on various issues like pay scale at par with the counterparts of CBI with arrears since 1986, arrears at par with the counterparts of NCB since 1996, general implementation of the Subramanium case relating to time scale after ACP/MACP upgradation, general implementation of the Chandreasekaran case relating to MACP, Next promotion of our Superintendent to STS post (Deputy Commissioner) instead of JTS post (Asstt. Commissioner), grant of NFU at par with the best placed counterparts like CSS, MACP case seeking Grade Pay of Rs. 7600/- after 30 years of service, four years time scale in PB3 for our officers like other counterparts etc. etc.

            He also mentioned that the AIACEGEO has asked for 7000 Group ‘A’ entry posts meant for the CGST Divisions as per the study of staff requirement made by the Association after the implementation of GST. The posts relating to Customs, Audit, Headquarters, Anti-evasion/Preventive etc. are in addition to these posts. He requested all associations to study about the similar increase in Group ‘A’ entry posts. There was consensus during the discussions that the prospects of promotion to Group ‘A’ would improve, if the number of  posts at Group ‘A’ entry level meant for promotion from Superintendents/Appraising Officers are increased. He also said that they were offered 2/3rd quota for promotion to Group ‘A’ entry replacing the existing ½. He further said that we agreed to it and also demanded it to be 80% at least. 

           Sh. Pritam Dahiya, Secretary General of AIAOF (All India Appraising Officers Federation), suggested that the pay scale equivalent to Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB3 should be granted to our Superintendents/Appraisers instead of the Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/-. He also emphasised that the senior-junior clause should be implemented in our department as per the instructions given by the DOPT in 1996. This matter should be taken up with the CBIC. He also informed that two vacancies are lying vacant in NCJCM of the Department of Revenue. He said that these vacancies should be filled-up from the associations under CBIC with the consent of all Associations under CBIC. All of the points raised by him were unanimously supported by the House. It was decided to write to the Board accordingly.

           Sh. Abhijit Bandyopadhyay, Secretary General of AICMOA (All India Customs Ministerial Officers Association), suggested that the parity with the counterpart Administrative Officers of Income Tax should be granted to the Administrative Officers working in Customs/GST under the CBIC. He also informed that the RRs of Administrative Officer have not been finalised and 54% posts are lying vacant in the ministerial cadre due to non-finalisation of the RRs. More than 800 posts are lying vacant in the grade of Administrative Officer. He also informed that they are facing lot of problems in TA to EA promotions due to qualifying service being increased whereas no such increase was made in Income Tax. CBIC did not consult the stake holders for finalising the recruitment rules for EA as well as Inspector though there are specific guidelines of Board/HRD as well as DOPT to consult the stake holders on this issue. He suggested that the ensuing cadre restructuring proposal should also be signed by the stake holder associations before sending it to the DOPT like Income Tax. He further suggested that any representation submitted by any association should be entertained by the CBIC by informing to the concerned association whether accepted or not-accepted. The House was in full support of his views. Sh. Ravi Malik added that the DPC can’t be kept pending for the want of RRs as per the DOPT guidelines.

            Sh. P. N. Sarkar, President of AICPSF (All India Customs Preventive Service Federation), informed that they had already submitted the cadre restructuring proposal to the HRD of CBIC in which all points have been covered on the lines of AIACEGEO. He agreed on all five points as given by the CBIC Confederation to the Board in its initial letter. He suggested that a legal forum should be created to achieve our goals. He added that they are willing to contribute financially for the cases already filed by the AIACEGEO. Sh. Ravi Malik welcomed his views. Sh. Sarkar also asked if the service rendered as temporary Asstt. Commissioner would be counted or not for further promotions. Sh. Ravi Malik said that we would have to go to the legal court for getting the service rendered as temporary Asstt. Commissioner counted for the purpose of further promotions. Sh. Sarkar said that the bottle neck of promotion of all cadres may be solved by increasing the posts of Assistant Commissioner. In all cadre restructurings, the benefit has been taken by the IRS people depriving other cadres. Thus, position for other cadres became worse. Let's be united and snatch the benefit for the rest of the cadres. He also said that they have demanded for 75 % promotional quota for the promotee Asstt. Commissioners in their letter to DGHRD.

            Sh. Mayank Koleramana, Secretary General of AICPSF, had to leave the meeting in between due to getting the news of a death in his close relation.

            Sh. T. P. Manoj, Vice President of AICPSF, informed that recruitment rules of Superintendent (Customs) have not been finalised by the CBIC and so many posts in all cadres have not been filled-up due to non-finalisation of the recruitment rules. He also showed apprehension that the vacant posts may be abolished during the ensuing cadre restructuring as DOPT has already informed all ministries that long pending vacant posts should be abolished, if not being filled-up by the concerned department/ministry. He said that the CBIC may be requested by the Confederation to make the associations as signatories of cadre restructuring proposal. If any association observes that the points raised by the association have not been recorded in the cadre restructuring proposal or the association is in disagreement with any of the points or decisions regarding the cadre restructuring proposal, the association should be allowed to get the disagreement included in the proposal. Since the cadre restructuring proposal goes to the DOPT finally, let the disagreement or any difference of opinion be highlighted. Sh. P. N. Sarkar, President of AICPSF, was in full agreement with his Vice President.

            Sh. A. K. Chhari from AICPSF suggested that the inter-Commissionerate transfers should be reinstated for the Inspector/PO/Examiner cadre. Sh. Ravi Malik supported it and said that huge number of our officers are suffering being away of their families due to the stoppage of inter-Commissionerate transfers adding that there is no doubt that inter-Commissionerate transfers should be reinstated. The House unanimously agreed to it and it was decided to write a letter to the Board on this issue. Sh. Chhari also suggested that the deputation should be allowed from Sea Customs to Land Customs and from GST to all Customs Houses/Sea Customs/Land Customs on the lines of Airport policy.

            Sh. Rananjay Pratap Singh, President of AICEIA (All India Central Excise Inspectors Association), agreed with all five points as mentioned above and appreciated the work of CBIC Confederation. He suggested that one liaison officer should be nominated for day to day work between ministry and concerned department. He also suggested that one meeting with the administration/MOS is immediately required to consider our all points in positive manner. He added that the meetings with the administration are required at the interval of every 2 to 3 months. He also suggested that one preparatory meeting is required with the administration before going for any meeting with other higher ministry/nodal department like expenditure, DOPT and anomaly committee.

            Sh. Harpal Singh, Joint Secretary of AIACEGO and President of Meerut Zone, said that the Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-2 and Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-3 are same as so many legal courts are also giving the judgements that there is no difference between the Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB2 and PB3. He objected as to why the CBIC and also Manimohan & associates are asking for the post of Senior Superintendent in the Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB2 after completion of four years of service as Superintendent.

            Sh. Ravi Malik also suggested that common forum should not take up any issue contradicting any cadre. He also requested that the Inspector/Examiner/PO associations should take up the pay matter with CBIC for the grant of the pay scale equivalent to the Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/- in PB2 for our Inspector level executive officers seeking parity with the CBI Inspectors as the 7th CPC has recommended higher pay scale for CBI Inspector making wrong observation that CBI Inspectors were already drawing higher pay scale than our Inspector level officers. The parity between the Inspector of Central Excise/Examiner/PO/Income Tax and CBI Inspector is well established, that’s why our Inspector level officers were granted the pay scale at par with the CBI Inspector w.e.f. 21.04.2004 as was recommended by the High Power Committee formed for the purpose by the then Finance Minister. He also suggested that in addition to above common points every constituent association may take up the issues (not relating to this forum on account of not being common and also relating to this forum) independently as well. He also requested Sh. Rananjay Pratap Singh to arrange meeting with the MOS of Revenue as early as possible. Accordingly, it was also decided a letter to be given by the Confederation to the MOS for appointment. Sh. Ravi Malik also suggested to use CPGRAM on behalf of the associations for any pending/running matters for the welfare of the cadre. All members of the associations may raise these issues on CPGRAM and also on the PG portal of PMO.

            Sh. Ravi Malik also asked whether all constituent associations should sign the letters to be sent to the administration from the Confederation side or we should appoint the conveners for the purpose. It was decided that only the minutes would be signed by all constituent associations and representations would be signed by Sh. Ravi Malik himself from the side of the Confederation on behalf of all constituents.

Sh. Ravi Malik and Sh. A. Venkatesh thanked all the delegates to attend the meeting also requesting to be interactive on the various common interest issues. The following officers attended the meeting-
1. RAVI MALIK                                        
2. A. VENKATESH              
3. C. S. SHARMA                                       
4. N. R. MANDA
10. T. P. MANOJ

Minutes prepared by-
Sh. C. S. Sharma, Office Secretary of AIACEGEO.