President: Address for
Secretary General:
A. Venkatesh 240, Razapur,
Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.)
Ravi Malik
Vice Presidents: Apurba Roy, P. C. Jha (East); A. K. Meena, Somnath Chakrabarty
(west); Ashish Vajpayee, Pranave Shekhar (North); B. Pavan K. Reddy, M.
Jegannathan (South); K.V. Sriniwas, T. J. Manojuman (Central) Joint
Secretaries: Ajay Kumar, R. N. Mahapatra (East); B. S. Meena, Sanjeev Sahai
(West); Harpal Singh, Sanjay Srivastava (North); M. Nagraju, P. Sravan Kumar
(South); Anand Kishore, Ashutosh Nivsarkar (Central) Office Secretary: C.
S. Sharma Treasuer: N. R. Manda Organising Secretary: Soumen Bhattachariya
(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide
letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
Ref. No. 175/AIB/C/19
Dt. 07.08.19
Sh. Ashok Kumar Pandey,
Member (Admin
& Vigilance), CBIC,
North Block, New
Sub: Transfers & postings of
promotee Asstt. Commissioners.
Kindly refer to earlier requests of
the Association on the above matter.
2. It is to submit with due regards
that these officers have been promoted on ad-hoc basis against the temporary
posts of the Asstt. Commissioner with the clause of “no further promotion”
and these posts have also not been included in the recruitment rules. The
officers have not got the benefit of even a single paisa on being promoted
against these posts at the fag end because of already working in the same pay
scale. Rather many of them are forced to get less emoluments on account of
being transferred to the cities with less HRA.
3. Thus, these officers may
kindly not to be transferred to other station/zone (except willing ones), if
vacancies exist in their own zone as was also followed in transfer orders till
October, 2014.
4. If the change is inevitable, their station
may be changed within their own zone (Para 2.1.5 of the policy also says about
the change of station only, not the change of zone) and the officers on promotion from Group B having balance service of 5 years or
less may kindly not be transferred out of the station/zone where they are
working at the time of promotion. If already transferred, they may kindly be
brought back to their parent/requested place. The reason behind it is that
these officers are prone to various old age diseases having regular treatment
at the existing station and their families are also settled at their parent
places due to the compelling circumstances.
5. All of them also have to fulfill
their family obligations like settlement
of the career issues of young wards, settlement of
marriage of their
wards particularly daughters, care of old & ailing parents being
under medical supervision/treatment at the parent station etc. On being
transferred at this stage, neither they shall be able to fulfill their family
obligations nor be in the position to transfer whole family to new place or
have double establishments, one at the old place and another at the new place
due to financial constraints and many other compelling circumstances.
6. The period of more than 9 months has
been mentioned to be treated as a complete year in para 7.1 of the policy. In consonance of it, the period of one year and 3
months may also kindly be treated as complete year for posting to the
region/zone/station of choice.
7. It is also worth to mention that the transfer orders
for the current year have already been substantially delayed. Therefore, the
cut-off date is also required to be relaxed. The counting of months is also
required to be made in a bit relaxed manner instead of rigid terms. If any
officer is having some months more or less than the prescribed years, the
condition for him/her may kindly be relaxed particularly considering his/her representation.
8. It is also worth to submit that compassionate
grounds including DOPT guidelines, medical grounds of self & family
members/parents, working spouse, no spouse, ward/s appearing for Board
examination or higher education, girl child etc. etc. are also to be considered
as per the representations made by the concerned officers.
9. In view of the above, it is requested to kindly
consider the above submissions with due sympathy for the sake of justice and-
i) Retain the officers in their own
zone/station, if the vacancies exist including Directorate offices/NACEN.
ii) Not to transfer at least the
officers having 5 years or less service to out of the existing/requested
station/zone and bring back all of such officers to their own/requested station/zone
who were transferred in 2017 and 2018.
iii) Give due consideration to the compassionate
grounds as represented by the officers.
Thanking you,
Secretary General.
Copy with the request for necessary action
1) The Revenue Secretary, North Block, New
2) The Chairman, CBIC, North Block, New
President: Address for
Secretary General:
A. Venkatesh 240, Razapur,
Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.)
Ravi Malik
Vice Presidents: Apurba Roy, P. C. Jha (East); A. K. Meena, Somnath Chakrabarty
(west); Ashish Vajpayee, Pranave Shekhar (North); B. Pavan K. Reddy, M.
Jegannathan (South); K.V. Sriniwas, T. J. Manojuman (Central) Joint
Secretaries: Ajay Kumar, R. N. Mahapatra (East); B. S. Meena, Sanjeev Sahai
(West); Harpal Singh, Sanjay Srivastava (North); M. Nagraju, P. Sravan Kumar
(South); Anand Kishore, Ashutosh Nivsarkar (Central) Office Secretary: C.
S. Sharma Treasuer: N. R. Manda Organising Secretary: Soumen Bhattachariya
(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide
letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
Ref. No. 176/AIB/P/19
Dt. 07.08.19
Pranab Kumar Das,
Block, New Delhi.
Sub: DPC for the post of
Asstt. Commissioner.
refer to the earlier requests of the Association on the above subject including
Ref. No. 161/AIB/P/19 Dt. 19.07.19.
2. It is to submit with
due regards that the DPC for the transition year 2018 as well as the calendar
year 2019 are still pending being already overdue as the same were to be
convened between 01.08.17 to 31.01.18 and 01.05.18 to 31.10.18 respectively as
per the DOPT
OM No. 22011/14/2013-Estt(D) Dt.08.05.17. As the Association came to know, it
is also worth to submit that the required information/documents relating to the
DPC for the transition year 2018 are already available with the Board.
3. It
is further to submit that the Chennai issue has already been finalized by the
Hon’ble court about month ago but the administrative decision on the same is
still pending at the Board level. The officers are totally demoralized being
unable to get even IInd promotion of the career without any fault on their part
and the officers already due for the promotion are crying like anything.
4. Under the circumstances,
not only it is urgently required to get the stays vacated at Ahmedabad and
Jabalpur CATs but it is also required to finalise the Chennai issue at an early
date. Even if the stays are vacated and the Chennai issue is not finalized, the
DPC will remain pending and the officers will keep retiring without promotion
despite of thousands of promotional posts being in hand.
Your kind attention is also again invited to para 3(i) of the DOPT OM issued
vide No. 28036/8/87-ESTT.(D) Dt. 30.03.88. This para allows the ad-hoc promotions even in case of an
injunction by a Court/Tribunal. So, the DPC may kindly be conducted during the
stay period by using the said OM too.
6. In view of the above, it
is requested
to kindly take due steps to conduct the DPC by getting the stays vacated and finalizing the Chennai
issue or applying the provisions of the DOPT OM issued vide No.
28036/8/87-ESTT.(D) Dt. 30.03.88 at
the earliest possible date for the sake of justice to our officers already retiring without getting the rarest
IInd promotion of the career.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Secretary General.
Copy with the
request for necessary action to:
The Revenue Secretary, North Block, New
President: Address for
Secretary General:
A. Venkatesh 240, Razapur,
Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.)
Ravi Malik
Vice Presidents: Apurba Roy, P. C. Jha (East); A. K. Meena, Somnath Chakrabarty
(west); Ashish Vajpayee, Pranave Shekhar (North); B. Pavan K. Reddy, M.
Jegannathan (South); K.V. Sriniwas, T. J. Manojuman (Central) Joint
Secretaries: Ajay Kumar, R. N. Mahapatra (East); B. S. Meena, Sanjeev Sahai
(West); Harpal Singh, Sanjay Srivastava (North); M. Nagraju, P. Sravan Kumar
(South); Anand Kishore, Ashutosh Nivsarkar (Central) Office Secretary: C.
S. Sharma Treasuer: N. R. Manda Organising Secretary: Soumen Bhattachariya
(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide
letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
Ref. No. 177/AIB/C/19
Dt. 07.08.19
Ref. No. 126/AIB/C/19 Dt.14.06.19 and 170/AIB/C/19 Dt. 30.07.19 of the
Association, it is intimated to all concerned that the agenda for the 13th All India Convention and General Body
meeting of the All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive
Officers to be held at Jodhpur on 14.09.19 and 15.09.19 would be as below-
A. Inauguration.
B. Presentation & discussions of/on the
report of the current body alongwith statement of accounts.
C. Confirmation/ratification of the minutes of
the last Convention & General Body meeting as well as the AEC and AC
meetings held after it.
D. Elections for new committee.
E. Introduction of new committee.
F. Resolutions to be passed as to be presented
by the units.
G. Any other point/s with the permission of
the Chair.
2. The venue of the meeting will be-
The Fern Residency, 1B/A, Police Line, Next to Loco Shed Road, Subhash
Chowk, Ratananda, Jodhpur-342001 (Rajasthan) Ph. No. 0291 2514444.
3. All associate units of the Association and All
India office bearers may kindly make it convenient to attend the Convention and General Body meeting accordingly. All units (including the units being said to be with Sh.
R. Manimohan) are cordially invited to
the 13th Convention and General Body meeting of the AIACEGEO.
Secretary General.
All units as well as All India office
bearers of the Association.