Writ No. 10156/2019 filed by Mr Ravi Malik, former Secretary General of AIACEGEO, seeking time scale in PB3 instead of PB2 w.e.f. 01.01.96 at par with CCS counterparts for our officers has been admitted in Delhi High Court today on 25.09.19. Next date of hearing is 06.03.2020. Our Delhi Unit denied to be petitioner in it with Mr Ravi Malik due to the reasons known to Delhi Office Bearers only. Originally, Delhi Unit was also petitioner in it in Delhi CAT. If result comes in our favor, our officers will get benefit of time scale w.e.f. 01.01.96 instead of 01.01.06 and will also get GP of 6600/- instead of 5400/- in PB3 after time scale. Thus, it will ascertain the grant of at least a GP of 6600/- to all of our time scale holders.