Wednesday 18 January 2023

AGT, Buniyad




Patron                                                                   Chief Patron                                                               Patron

A. Venkatesh                                                           Ravi Malik                                                        C. S. Sharma

Mob. 7780255361                                             Mob. 9868816290                                          Mob. 9313885411

President:                                           Address for communication:                                  Secretary General:

M. Loganathan                           Flat No. 6, SE 11, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad                           Harpal Singh

Mob.8758262698     mail Id:aiacegeo2019@gmail.com       Site:cengoindia.blogspot.in    Mob.9717510598

Vice Presidents: B C Khatik, V Pagare  (Central) Diwakar Sahai, Sanjoy Gupta (East) Ashish Vajpayee, Amadul Islam (North) G Srinivas Reddy, P Ravichandran (South) R Keny, J B Parmar (West) Joint Secretaries: S P Pandey, T J Manojumon (Central) Subrata Adhikari, SiddharthTewari (East) Ramkesh Meena, S Sahai (West) Atul Kumar, R B Sahu (North) Bhoopesh, R V Raghunandan (South); All India Convener: A K Meena All India Coordinator: B L Meena Office Secretary: B C Gupta Treasuer: M Kumar Organising Secretary: M Bajpai Liaison Secretary:  N S Maheshwari North Zone Coordinator: Prabhakar Sharma Legal Coordinator: S Sabarwal Vigilance Coordinator: R K Singh South Zone Coordinator: U Sharma

(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)

Office address: 206, B wing, CGO Complex II, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad.

Ref. No. 10/AIB/T/23                                                                       Dt. 18.01.23


Sh. Vivek Johri,

Chairman, CBIC,

North Block, New Delhi.

Sub: Annual General Transfer 2023 – reg.


Kindly refer to:

(i) Circular F.No. HRM-II/PCM/(1)/CIR/2/2022-PLC-ADG-HRM-II-DELHI Dt.  28.12.22.

(ii) DOPT OM No. DOPT-1669289899529 Dt. 24.11.22.

(iii) Circular F.No.A22011/07/2018-Ad.II Dt. 12.04.18 regarding transfer/placement guidelines, 2018 for Indian Revenue Service officers.

2. It is submitted with due regards that with reference to (iii) above in Para 11 guidelines have been issued regarding posting on compassionate grounds as detailed below:

11.1.    The Placement Committee is empowered to take a decision in case an officer seeks a posting to a particular station on medical grounds. The Placement Committee, if it so decides, may refer the case to a Medical Board.

11.2.    In case of working couples, an officer may be posted at the same station subject to availability of posts, in accordance with the extant instructions of the Government of India (DOPT) on this issue.

11.3.    Officers who have three years or less service left shall be posted to the Station/ Region of their choice to the extent possible.

11.4.    In case an officer requests for retention in a particular station upto the end of the particular academic year on the ground that his/her child is studying in Class -X or Class-XII, the placement Committee may consider such requests.

11.5.    All requests for transfer/posting of Office bearers of recognized IRS Association, requests on Spouse grounds, medical grounds, child education ground, PwD cases shall be considered in accordance with extant DOPT guidelines as far as administratively feasible.

3. With reference to DOPT guidelines para 1(ii) above,  Para B states about  posting of husband and wife at the same station:

Para B.2 is read as follows “In the context of the need to make concerted efforts to increase representation of women in Central Government Jobs, these guidelines were reviewed to see whether the instructions could be made mandatory, and it was decided that when both spouses are in the same Central Service or working in the same Department, and if posts are available, they may  mandatorily be posted at the same station. The Consolidated guidelines are as follows” :-

(i), (ii),  (iii),  (iv),  (v), (vi), (vii), & (viii)

Para 3 of the said OM is read as follows “Complaints  are sometimes received that even if posts are available in the station of posting of the Spouse, the administrative authorities do not accommodate, the employees citing administrative reasons. In all such cases, the cadre controlling authority should strive to post the employee at the station of the spouse and in case of inability to do so, specific reasons, therefore, may be communicated to the employee ”.

            4. Vide Para 3 of the Board Circular at para 1(i) above), guidelines have been given only in respect of (i) Medical Grounds and (ii) Posting on the ground of their children studying in Class X/XII. Nowhere guidelines have been issued regarding transfer/posting of Spouse at the same station.

5. In view of the above, it is requested to insert the DOPT provisions in the transfer guidelines regarding posting of husband and wife at the same station and consider such cases to mandatorily post working spouses on the same station in the AGT, 2023.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,



Secretary General.




Patron                                                                   Chief Patron                                                               Patron

A. Venkatesh                                                           Ravi Malik                                                        C. S. Sharma

Mob. 7780255361                                             Mob. 9868816290                                          Mob. 9313885411

President:                                           Address for communication:                                  Secretary General:

M. Loganathan                           Flat No. 6, SE 11, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad                           Harpal Singh

Mob.8758262698     mail Id:aiacegeo2019@gmail.com       Site:cengoindia.blogspot.in    Mob.9717510598

Vice Presidents: B C Khatik, V Pagare  (Central) Diwakar Sahai, Sanjoy Gupta (East) Ashish Vajpayee, Amadul Islam (North) G Srinivas Reddy, P Ravichandran (South) R Keny, J B Parmar (West) Joint Secretaries: S P Pandey, T J Manojumon (Central) Subrata Adhikari, SiddharthTewari (East) Ramkesh Meena, S Sahai (West) Atul Kumar, R B Sahu (North) Bhoopesh, R V Raghunandan (South); All India Convener: A K Meena All India Coordinator: B L Meena Office Secretary: B C Gupta Treasuer: M Kumar Organising Secretary: M Bajpai Liaison Secretary:  N S Maheshwari North Zone Coordinator: Prabhakar Sharma Legal Coordinator: S Sabarwal Vigilance Coordinator: R K Singh South Zone Coordinator: U Sharma

(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)

Office address: 206, B wing, CGO Complex II, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad.

Ref. No. 11/AIB/I/23                                                                        Dt. 18.01.23


Ms. Neeta Lal Butalia, CBIC,

Principal Director General,

DGHRD, CBIC, New Delhi.

Sub: Suggestions for better implementation of BUNIYAAD scheme.


Kindly refer to letter F.No. InW/RBA/Misc/19/2022-Infra Dt. 02.01.23.

2. The Association is highly appreciative of the efforts of the DGHRD being undertaken by the above-referred letter. It is very heartening to know that DGHRD is planning the infrastructure of the future and has called for the details from the field formations.

3. This Association is very clear that all the resources allocated to the department are solely meant for performing the functions to be performed for the Department. We should strive to ensure that all the finances are used towards this goal. It is seen from the letter that this letter is aimed at collecting some data from field formation according to which infrastructure planning for coming 5 years will be based. For achieving the same, a report has been called for in a given format. The Association submits a few points with due regards in the forthcoming paras, so that the intention behind launching the scheme “BUNIYAAD” meets its intended goals.

4. The format at Point No. A is regarding office space but it does not have some basic column in absence of which no approximation about office space can be made. For planning the requirement of future infrastructure, a survey needs to be made about the present office space available and the office space required as per the sanctioned strength cadre wise. It is also required that wherein infrastructure is being planned for the forthcoming five years, the vacancies to be accrued in the forthcoming years may also be taken into consideration. It has been observed from the field formations that none of the Superintendents is having the office space as stipulated in the Manual whereas the most of the Commissioners are having space in excess of their prescribed allocation. Hence, for conducting the survey regarding the requirement of space, a committee having representatives of the Inspectors and Superintendents should be formed to ascertain the exact requirement of the space. The requirement of the space should be made considering the sanctioned strength and also the working strength, if working strength is more than the sanctioned strength. While implementing the BUNIYAAD policy, priority should be given to the places where the office space is less than the space specified for the sanctioned strength and the space as per the sanctioned strength should be taken up once for all the stations having space in accordance with their working strength.

5. The DGHRD Manual also necessitates that while calculating office space 10% additional space should be added. So, while the requirement of space has been asked from the field formations, it is requested that the field formations should be first directed to take a survey of the actual office space available and the shortfall in the office space considering the sanctioned strength cadre wise and then adding 10% extra to the total office space for arriving at the future space requirement. 

6. The Association has also observed that many of the office buildings other than those in the big towns/cities do not contain a lift facility. Earlier the cost of a lift as compared to the cost of construction was very high but nowadays, lifts are not that much costly. Further, the availability of electricity has also improved in far-flung areas of the country, so the places which were not having continuous power supply and thus lifts were not suitable are now suitable for installation of the lifts. So, to make the building Divyang friendly and more accessible to the pregnant ladies and old aged persons, it is required that the office building should have lift facilities. So, while planning the infrastructure for coming 5 years, it should also be ensured that all the office buildings are having lift facility.

7. On going through the DGHRD infrastructure manual, it is seen that the office space in CBIC is prescribed by OM No. 26/19/65-ACC.II(3) dated 20.12.65 and the office space for a Superintendent is 14.5 sqrmtrs. Kind attention is drawn to the Office Space Manual of the Income Tax Department, where it is seen that the office space has been prescribed also vide same OM No. 26/19/65-ACC.II(3) dated 20.12.65. But the office space prescribed for the Income Tax Officer (ITO) who is equivalent to the rank of Superintendent has been prescribed as 18 sqrmtrs. So, our Superintendent should also be provided 18 sqrmtrs office space.

8. In the GST, Superintendent is also having the responsibility of Adjudication of cases involving revenue of Rs. 20 lac and so he/she has to attend the personal hearings. So, reducing the office space of the Superintendent will also hamper the office work of the Superintendent because of not having the due space for sitting of the taxpayers, their lawyer and recording of PH proceedings by an assistant. All this would hamper the office work adversely.

9. It is also pertinent to mention that in Income Tax Department an officer recruited as Inspector is promoted upto level of Additional Commissioner/Commissioner whereas in our department the most of the officers recruited as Inspector retire after getting just one promotion. It is high time that if the department is not able to provide promotions akin to the Income Tax Department, it should at least give the office space equivalent to the ITO in the Income-tax Department and also Non Functional Upgradation at par with the counterparts of Income Tax at least to bring financial parity.

10. Kind attention is also drawn to the fact that in the year 2014, Audit Commissionerates were created but till date, DGHRD has not prescribed the office space required for the Audit Commissionerate. The Audit Manual prescribes that the audit of the small units is to be conducted while sitting in the office. This requires that the taxpayer and his CA/Accounts person come to the office for explaining the documents maintained by them. The taxpayer is also required to visit the Audit Office in case of large and medium units as after the conduct of the audit, he has to explain his point of view on the audit objections raised by the Audit team. This requires additional space in each and every circle and group, so that the taxpayer and his team can sit to discuss and explain book of accounts. But till now, the space requirement for audit circles and groups has not been prescribed whereas the space requirement of individual ranges has been prescribed in the Manual where the space for taxpayers attending the ranges and a waiting lounge has been prescribed. However, no such exercise has been undertaken for the Audit Commissionerate since its coming into the existence in 2014.

11. Coming to point no. B of the above-referred letter, which is regarding residential accommodation. In many of the outstations where our offices are located, there is no official accommodation. So while making the policy about residential accommodation, the first thing which should be taken into account is the outstation where we have offices but do not have any residential accommodation. However, this report does not contain any details by which this can be ascertained. The first column in this report should be a list of places where we have office premises and which of these places have residential accommodation. Kind attention is also drawn to the Transfer Policy Circulated vide F.NO. A-22011/03/2008-Ad-II dated 05.04.2011, at point no. 5.7 (b), this policy says that 100% housing facilities woild be provided in every class C city. While this policy is for class C cities, where many of the facilities like schools for children and hospitals for ailments are there but many of our offices are located in mufassil towns where not even the basic facilities are available. So in such places, the housing facility for 100% of the sanctioned strength should be planned so that the staff being posted there does not have to worry about securing a good place to stay and they can concentrate more of their time doing their job.

12. It is also to bring your kind notice that many of the stations are having TYPE-I quarters. Presently, not even Hawaladar as per his pay scale is entitled for the TYPE-I quarter. They are entitled to TYPE-II quarters and hence, many of the TYPE-I quarters are in a dilapidated state just occupying the real estate which can be put to better use. So, this report should also contain the details about stations having TYPE-I quarters. It is suggested that space freed from these TYPE-I quarters may be utilized for constructing common amenities including creche, community hall, Gym etc, and other required amenities for which the funds from welfare fund can also be utilized. Further, very few residential accommodations have been constructed in the last 10 to 15 years whereas the sanctioned and working strength has increased greatly during this period. So, there is a scarcity of accommodation, especially in small towns. Most of these small towns have the posting of Inspectors and Superintendents as there is a long break for promotion to Asstt. Commissioner. The Superintendent by virtue of the long wait becomes eligible for TYPE-IV quarters after getting Rs 5400 pay scale. But no TYPE-IV quarters exist in these small stations. So, while planning for coming 5 years is made, it should be ensured that if the Department is not in a position to give a promotion to the Superintendent, the least the Department can do is to provide them with appropriate accommodation of TYPE-IV quarters at these small stations.

13. Further, many of the cities do not have transit hostels for Inspectors and Superintendents as a result of which newly transferred officers have to spend time searching for suitable accommodation as there is a long waiting list for allocation of TYPE-III accommodation. So, all the major towns where we have our colonies should have provisions for transit hostels.

14. One more aspect of accommodation which requires attention is the uniform residential accommodation booking system. It is different in different places and there is no centralized system for applying for residential accommodation. It is suggested that a centralized portal for residential accommodation should be made like a software of NIC being used for allocating the house in Delhi. It is a very good software that should be used whenever an officer gets a transfer order, he/she can apply for residential accommodation at his new place of posting. Further, this portal should also contain booking facilities for all the Guest Houses, Holiday Homes, Transit Hostels etc. so that anybody can make a hassle free booking whenever required. The system being used by CPWD for their Holiday Homes can be emulated which will ensure convenient booking and better utilization of the resources.

15. Over the years the association has observed that some of our offices in the major cities and especially that of higher officers give an impression of elegant corporate office but the offices located in the fields are mostly lacking even the basic infrastructure. As discussed earlier, all the resources of the Department should be primarily used toward the collection of more and more revenue. The association feels that rather than using these resources for having very glittering and aesthetic office at major cities for higher ups, the resources should be used for providing the basic necessities in the outstation offices for Superintendents and Inspectors. It is commonly seen that the most of the offices outside the major cities lack proper office furniture for the Inspectors and Superintendents. Most of the time, they are using outdated desktops for office work (the usable life of a Desktop and laptop is three years) and that too on their normal table rather than having any computer table for it. Further, the electrical connections for these PCs are temporary and are not part of the permanent electric supply. There is hardly any repair and maintenance of the furniture and building in these outstation postings. If any accommodation is available, it is mostly in dilapidated condition. Year after year hardly any funds are allocated for their repair and maintenance. So, to improve this state of affairs, the Association suggests that the Chief Commissioner should be required to visit all the outstations in his charge and send a report about the infrastructure that is lacking at these places. In the GST regime, the Chief Commissioner does not have to exercise any of the executive powers under the Act and the functions like reviewing the orders of the Executive Commissioner is no more with them. As most of the Chief Commissioners are having a good number of officers at their disposal in their offices, so the time spared in the GST regime can be better utilized for the enhancement of infrastructure at outstations which would greatly aid in better implementation of the GST by the officers in field formations.

16. The Association has also observed that in various shore guard locations, the offices are in very dilapidated condition and no residential accommodation is available. It would be pertinent to mention that a few years back when we visited the Tuna port, the facility of even toilet and drinking water (on the sea shore what is available is salty)  was not available. Further, at places like Bhachau although the posting of Superintendent is being done, at present, there is no office and a single Superintendent is being given charge of Bhachau, Tuna and Rapar located at 170 kms from each other and the Division office is situated at Bhuj which in totally different direction to these placed. None of these three places are having any office, residential accommodation or vehicle is provided to the Superintendent. These are only examples and such examples may be throughout the country. Although the transfer policy circulated by Board cited supra at point no. 5.7(a) says that a vehicle would be provided to every officer heading the office irrespective of the level of the officer. Many of the Customs stations are located at the Border where there is no opportunity to hire accommodation. So, it should be made a policy that 100% accommodation should be provided according to the sanctioned strength at these places. Further, Chief Commissioners of Customs like in the case of GST should also be required to visit these stations under their charge, so that they can report about the office, residences and other logistical requirements of these Customs stations.

17. It is again requested that the office space prescribed for the Superintendent should be amended to the office space prescribed for ITO. For the office space of Audit Circle and group, the field formations may be directed to conduct a survey to ascertain the exact office space available vis-a-vis required. Then only this exercise would be of any use for proper planning for the coming 5 years.

18. The Association requests and hopes that all of above submissions may kindly be given due consideration.  

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,



Secretary General.