Dear friends,
seems that CBEC is totally indifferent to our grievances like ever.
They are terribly late in holding the DPCs for our promotions. They
don't care for court matters. They don't respect the DOPT provisions.
They seems busy with so-called big things instead of our small (as per
them) issues. The employee grievance redressal mechanism has totally
failed in CBEC. The DPC for the post of AC for the year 2014-15 was very
much expected on 23rd June, 15 (due in January, 14) but no further date
has been fixed till date and not expected even in the month of August,
15 because of concerned ADG being on training. DPC is expected for 450+
posts for Central Excise stream with a consideration zone of around 700
officers. Out of these 200+ have already retired till July, 15 and 100+
are facing vigilance cases. Thus, all of 450+ posts will not be filled
even after use of extended panel and be carried forward to next year of
2015-16 (DPC for which was due in January, 15) due to delayed process.
DPC for 2016-17 will also be due in January 2016 but we don't know when
the DPCs would be conducted and till when our officers will keep retirng
despite of being due for promotion due to delayed DPCs. If DPCs were
conducted timely, none of due officers would have been retired without
promotion. Due to this delayed process, even the extended panel is
exhausted withiout giving any benefit to our officers. They are habitual
of conducting the late DPCs for our promotions despite of the clear
DOPT provisions of fixing the responsibility of the nodal officer for
the delay and none of DPCs for our promotions is conducted timely.
Friends, we know that they are not serious for us but at
least we all should be serious for our own causes leaving behind all of
the complacences. It is the right time for actual action in our own
interest. CBEC authorities are also requested to be quite serious for us
remembering that we are their actual tools and are always instrumental
in collecting the revenue for them always above the targets without any
return. So friends, be ready and wait for the call of the Association to
awake them. They are requested to change their mind-set relating to our
issues and they will have to do it. CBEC is not meant for group 'A'
only but it is for us too. No need to say that the existence of CBEC
depends on our existence. So, please be ready to fight for justice and
wait for the call.
Ravi Malik