President: Address for communication: Secretary General:
R. Chandramouli 240, Razapur,
Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.) Ravi Malik
Mob. 08939955463 mail,
Site: Mob. 09868816290
Vice Presidents: P. Parwani, L. L. Singhvi (Central); AnuragChaudhary, Ravi Joshi
(North); N. Raman, G. Srinath (South); B. K. Sinha, AshwiniMajhi (East); Rajesh
Chaher, J. D. Patil (West) Joint Secretaries: Anand Kishore, J. S. Aiyer
(Central); R. K. Solanki, AshishVajpeyi (North); M. Nagaraju, Ajithkumar P. C.
(South); P. K. Sen, S. Bhattachariya (East); JasramMeena, M. K. Mishra (West) Office
Secretary: C. S. Sharma Treasurer: N. R. MandaLiaison Secretary: A. S. KunduCoordinator
on Telangana: P. Shravan Kumar
by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
Ref. No. 28/T&P/17
Dt. 27.02.17
Ms. Vanaja N. Sarna,
Member (Admn.), CBEC,
New Delhi.
Transfer & posting of promotee group ‘A’ officers.
It is submitted with
due regards w.r.t. Office Order No. 33/2017 Dt. 23.02.17 of CBEC that promotee
Asstt. Commissioners were being kept at the existing station as per the
established practice barring those who were willing to get their station
changed or cases where the vacancies were unavailable at the existing/requested
station. In case of unavailability of vacancies at the existing/requested
station, the youngest officers were being transferred to the nearest
station/zone with the provision to call them back to the parent station/zone at
the earliest possible opportunity on availability of the vacancies. This became
the implied part of the transfer policy for promotee group ‘A’ officers as per
the established practice.
2. The willing Central Excise promotee group ‘A’ officers
are the members of this Association like CBDT. These officers are being
promoted to JTS post at the fag end after being suffered with the gross
injustice for decades in r/o career prospects. It shall again be the gross
injustice to them, if transferred to outstations in the old age as nobody will
be able to shift the all-settled family to new station. No need to submit that
the promotee group ‘A’ officers have to counter with all old age complications.
None of them will be able to have double establishments, one at old station and
another at new station as this will put them under unwarranted & unbearable
financial burden & health hazards.
3. Further, there
seems no administrative inconvenience in placing them at the existing stations
barring willing to change the station. Rather, the displacement from their
existing station will place the Govt. under unwarranted financial burden on
account of transfer grant, transfer allowance etc.
4. Your kind attention
is also invited to the discussions held with your goodself in one of the
meetings to continue the promotee group ‘A’ officers with less than five years
on the existing station/Commissionerate barring them who are willing to change
station/Commissionerate/ zone. You were kind enough to agree to this point. If
the officer/s is/are to be displaced in extreme exigency, he/she may kindly be
displaced on the pattern “àCentral ExciseßàService TaxßàCustomsß” at the existing station barring them who are willing
to change the station.
5. In view of the
above, it is requested not to displace promotee group ‘A’ officers including
newly promoted Asstt. Commissioners from their existing station barring the ones who are willing to be
transferred to other station.
Thanking you,
Secretary General.