Friday, 10 March 2017

Arrears, pay matters vs CPC, para 7.15.24, DPC, seniority, T&P, temp post

President:                                       Address for communication:                                     Secretary General:
R. Chandramouli                     240, Razapur, Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.)                                        Ravi Malik
Mob. 08939955463 mail Id:ravimalik_sweet@yahoo.com, Site: cengoindia.blogspot.in    Mob. 09868816290
Vice Presidents: P. Parwani, L. L. Singhvi (Central); Anurag Chaudhary, Ravi Joshi (North); N. Raman, G. Srinath (South); B. K. Sinha, Ashwini Majhi (East); Rajesh Chaher, J. D. Patil (West) Joint Secretaries: Anand Kishore, J. S. Iyer (Central); R. K. Solanki, Ashish Vajpeyi (North); M. Nagaraju, Ajithkumar P. C. (South); P. K. Sen, S. Bhattachariya (East); Jasram Meena, M. K. Mishra (West) Office Secretary: C. S. SharmaTreasurer: N. R. Manda Liaison Secretary: A. S. Kundu Coordinator on Telangana: P. Shravan Kumar
(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
               Ref. No. 38/P/17                                                                          Dt. 10.03.17
Ms. Vanaja Sarna,
Member (P&V), CBEC,
New Delhi.
Sub: Implementation of para 7.15.24 of 6th CPC report in light of UO No. 6/37/98-IC Dt. 24.11.14 of Expenditure.
   Kindly refer to the subject mentioned point raised during various meetings before your goodself including the meeting of 20.12.16 vide Ref. No. 209/G/16 Dt. 19.12.16 of the Association. You were pleased to assure the Association that an early action would be taken in the matter.
               2. It is further submitted with due regards that the Chief Enforcement Officers, analogous counterparts of Central Excise Superintendent, under our own Department of Revenue were placed in the pay scale of Rs. 8000-13500/- without the recommendations by CPC vide Order F. No. 1612612004-Ad.I.C dt. 04.10.05. The 6th  CPC under para 7.14.25 recommended to maintain parity between the post of Chief Enforcement Officer and Central Excise Superintendent etc. which has not been implemented till date. Subsequently, the post of Chief Enforcement Officer was re-designated as Assistant Director. The duties and responsibilities of Assistant Director (re-designated) of Enforcement Directorate are at par with the duties and responsibilities of the post of Central Excise Superintendent. The Central Excise Superintendents join in Enforcement Directorate as Assistant Director on deputation basis also.
               3. The competent authority in the Govt. of India (Department of Expenditure) has, however, approved an initial grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB2 for Central Excise Superintendents on 21.11.14 considering para 7.15.24 of the report of 6th CPC but it was communicated finally to CBEC vide UO No. 6/37/98-IC Dt. 24.11.14 to send the case to 7th CPC against the approval by the competent authority.
               4. It is really unfortunate and totally unjustified that the matter duly recommended by the 6th CPC and duly accepted by the competent authority has again been asked to be sent to 7th CPC. It merely shows the willful hostile discrimination against Central Excise Superintendents.
               5. In view of the above, it is requested to kindly undo the discrimination by implementing the para 7.15.24 of 6th CPC report in accordance of the approval by the competent authority of the Expenditure on 21.11.14.
               Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Secretary General.

President:                                     Address for communication:                                         Secretary General:
R. Chandramouli                   240, Razapur, Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.)                                                Ravi Malik
Mob. 08939955463   mail Id:ravimalik_sweet@yahoo.com, Site: cengoindia.blogspot.in  Mob. 09868816290
Vice Presidents: P. Parwani, L. L. Singhvi (Central); AnuragChaudhary, Ravi Joshi (North); N. Raman, G. Srinath (South); B. K. Sinha, AshwiniMajhi (East); Rajesh Chaher, J. D. Patil (West) Joint Secretaries: Anand Kishore, J. S. Aiyer (Central); R. K. Solanki, AshishVajpeyi (North); M. Nagaraju, Ajithkumar P. C. (South); P. K. Sen, S. Bhattachariya (East); JasramMeena, M. K. Mishra (West) Office Secretary: C. S. Sharma Treasurer: N. R. MandaLiaison Secretary: A. S. KunduCoordinator on Telangana: P. Shravan Kumar
(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
Ref. No. 39/P/17                                                                          Dt. 10.03.17
                                                                                                    IMMEDIATE PL.
Ms. Vanaja N. Sarna,
Member (Admn.), CBEC,
New Delhi.
Sub: DPC for the post of Asstt. Comissioner.
            Kindly refer to the Ref. No. 31/P/17 Dt. 28.02.17 of the Association.
2. It is submitted with due regards that all vacant posts meant for the promotion to the post of Asstt. Commissioner have not filled for the DPCs of the years 2014-15 and 2015-16. In particular, the promotions have not been done against the promotional quota in r/o regular posts. This includes promotion quota against direct recruitment and posts against retirements, VRS, demise etc.  
            3. It is further submitted that the DPC for the year 2016-17 was due in January, 16 and DPC for 2017-18 also became due in January, 17.  It is also worth to mention that 230+230 promotional posts were also to be given in lieu of the direct recruitment made for the year 2014-15 and 2015-16 as per one RTI information.  The DPC for the years 2014-15 and 2015-16 has been done for 1261 posts as per another RTI information but promotion orders have been issued merely for 844 officers in all. Thus, 417 (1261-844)+230+230 (comes to 877) posts are still pending to be filled-up upto 2015-16. Half of the retirements,VRS, demise etc. against regular posts are also to be added to this figure.
4. Further, 230 promotional posts are to be filled against 230 direct recruitments made for the year 2016-17 also adding to it half of the retirements, VRS, demise etc. against regular posts. Final figure is to reach also adding it all retirements, VRS, demise etc. against temporary posts for the year 2016-17.
5. As far as 2017-18 is concerned, 104 promotional posts are also be filled against 104 direct recruitments made for the year 2017-18 also adding to it half of the retirements, VRS, demise etc. against regular posts. Final figure is again to reach also adding it all retirements, VRS, demise etc. against temporary posts.    
            6. Accordingly, we have 1200+ posts of Asstt. Commissioner in hands as on date. It is also worth to submit that the officers promoted against temporary posts have also not been moved upwards in r/o retirements, VRS, demise etc. against regular posts. It is worth to submit that promotions were made against 421 regular posts under the DPC of October, 14.
7. In view of the above, it is requested that immediate steps may kindly be taken to fill-up all vacant posts of Asstt. Commissioner to benefit the maximum number of our officers who are forced to retire merely after single promotion in the career. Accordingly, we hope that the officers retiring this month would also be able to get the benefit of promotion. 
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Secretary General.
Copy with the request for necessary action to:
(1) The Revenue Secretary, North Block, New Delhi.
(2) The Chairman, CBEC, North Block, New Delhi.

President:                                     Address for communication:                                         Secretary General:
R. Chandramouli                   240, Razapur, Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.)                                                Ravi Malik
Mob. 08939955463   mail Id:ravimalik_sweet@yahoo.com, Site: cengoindia.blogspot.in  Mob. 09868816290
Vice Presidents: P. Parwani, L. L. Singhvi (Central); AnuragChaudhary, Ravi Joshi (North); N. Raman, G. Srinath (South); B. K. Sinha, AshwiniMajhi (East); Rajesh Chaher, J. D. Patil (West) Joint Secretaries: Anand Kishore, J. S. Aiyer (Central); R. K. Solanki, AshishVajpeyi (North); M. Nagaraju, Ajithkumar P. C. (South); P. K. Sen, S. Bhattachariya (East); JasramMeena, M. K. Mishra (West) Office Secretary: C. S. Sharma Treasurer: N. R. MandaLiaison Secretary: A. S. KunduCoordinator on Telangana: P. Shravan Kumar
(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
Ref. No. 40/S/17                                                                          Dt. 10.03.17
Ms. Vanaja N. Sarna,
Member (Admn.), CBEC,
New Delhi.
Sub: Seniority list of Central Excise Superintendents.
            Kindly refer to the earlier communication of the Association on the above subject.
2. It is submitted with due regards that the all India seniority list of the Central Excise Superintendents have been prepared only upto 2006. Thus, we are more than ten years behind in the matter.
3. The process, however, was initiated on the request of the Association to prepare the seniority list beyond 2006 but there is no desired progress in the matter.
4. In view of the above, it is requested that the earliest steps may kindly be taken to update the all India seniority list of Central Excise Superintendent duly considering the representations of the officers.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Secretary General.

President:                                     Address for communication:                                         Secretary General:
R. Chandramouli                   240, Razapur, Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.)                                                Ravi Malik
Mob. 08939955463   mail Id:ravimalik_sweet@yahoo.com, Site: cengoindia.blogspot.in  Mob. 09868816290
Vice Presidents: P. Parwani, L. L. Singhvi (Central); AnuragChaudhary, Ravi Joshi (North); N. Raman, G. Srinath (South); B. K. Sinha, AshwiniMajhi (East); Rajesh Chaher, J. D. Patil (West) Joint Secretaries: Anand Kishore, J. S. Aiyer (Central); R. K. Solanki, AshishVajpeyi (North); M. Nagaraju, Ajithkumar P. C. (South); P. K. Sen, S. Bhattachariya (East); JasramMeena, M. K. Mishra (West) Office Secretary: C. S. Sharma Treasurer: N. R. MandaLiaison Secretary: A. S. KunduCoordinator on Telangana: P. Shravan Kumar
(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
Ref. No. 42/T&P/17                                                                          Dt. 10.03.17
Ms. Vanaja N. Sarna,
Member (Admn.), CBEC,
New Delhi.
Sub: Transfer & posting of the newly promoted Asstt. Commissioners.
Kindly refer to the Ref. No. 28/T&P/17 Dt. 27.02.17 of the Association on the above subject.
2. It is further submitted with due regards that the promotee Asstt. Commissioners were being kept at the existing station as per the established practice barring those who were willing to get their station changed or cases where the vacancies were unavailable at the existing/requested station. This practice was also adopted for the promotions made in October, 14 for more than 2000 officers and all earlier promotions. In case of unavailability of vacancies at the existing/requested station, the youngest officers were being transferred to the nearest station/zone with the provision to call them back to the parent station/zone at the earliest possible opportunity on availability of the vacancies.
            3. Further, there seems no administrative inconvenience in placing them at the existing stations barring willing to change the station. Rather, the displacement from their existing station will place the Govt. under unwarranted financial burden on account of transfer grant, transfer allowance etc.
4. It is also worth to mention that we whole heartedly support the smooth roll out of GST. It is of the utmost importance to ensure that the officers from both, the state and centre, work in tandem for a successful roll out of GST. Towards this, the state and central government officials have been interacting and getting trained together for GST at local levels resulting into development of certain degree of camaraderie for smoother roll out of the GST. Many of our officers, who have been interacting with the local tax officials, are now promoted to the post of Assistant Commissioner vide Office Order No. 33/2017 Dt. 23.02.17 of CBEC and their continued collaboration would pave the path to a concerted efforts in the implementation of the GST. Dislodgment of these newly promoted Assistant Commissioners from their present stations would, therefore, harm the prospects of the implementation of the GST. Accordingly the roll out of GST being only a few months away, dislocation of officers from one station to another may not be in the best interest of the government for a seamless implementation of the GST.
5. It is learnt that there are around 1600 vacancies in the cadre of Assistant Commissioners all over India while the total numbers of Group ‘B’ Officers promoted to the post of Asstt. Commissioner are merely 844. This would mean that the most of the officers could be accommodated in their respective stations rather being transferred outside.
6. In view of the above, it is requested not to displace the newly promoted Asstt. Commissioners from their existing station barring the ones who are willing to be transferred to other station
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Secretary General.

Copy with the request for necessary action to:
(1) The Revenue Secretary, North Block, New Delhi.
(2) The Chairman, CBEC, North Block, New Delhi.

President:                                     Address for communication:                                         Secretary General:
R. Chandramouli                   240, Razapur, Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.)                                                Ravi Malik
Mob. 08939955463   mail Id:ravimalik_sweet@yahoo.com, Site: cengoindia.blogspot.in  Mob. 09868816290
Vice Presidents: P. Parwani, L. L. Singhvi (Central); AnuragChaudhary, Ravi Joshi (North); N. Raman, G. Srinath (South); B. K. Sinha, AshwiniMajhi (East); Rajesh Chaher, J. D. Patil (West) Joint Secretaries: Anand Kishore, J. S. Aiyer (Central); R. K. Solanki, AshishVajpeyi (North); M. Nagaraju, Ajithkumar P. C. (South); P. K. Sen, S. Bhattachariya (East); JasramMeena, M. K. Mishra (West) Office Secretary: C. S. Sharma Treasurer: N. R. MandaLiaison Secretary: A. S. KunduCoordinator on Telangana: P. Shravan Kumar
(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
Ref. No. 43/P/17                                                                          Dt. 10.03.17
Sh. Najib Shah,
Chairman, CBEC,
North Block, New Delhi.
Sub: Continuance of the temporary posts of Asstt. Commissioner and counting of the service rendered against these posts for further promotions.
As your goodself knows, it is submitted with due regards that 2118 temporary posts of Asstt. Commissioner were created in the cadre restructuring of 2013 exclusively for the promotions of the promotee officers. Very unfortunately, these posts were created only for five years with the clause that the officers promoted against these posts would not be entitled for further promotion and these posts would be abolished on completion of five years.
2. The point of the continuance of the temporary posts of Asstt. Commissioner and counting of the service rendered against these posts for further promotions was raised before the administration by the Association and it was decided that the necessary steps would be taken in this direction after the complete implementation of cadre restructuring. As far as these posts are concerned, no need to say that cadre restructuring has been implemented as around 200 posts left vacant for Central Excise stream in October, 14 have now been filled.
3. Thus, now time has come to take necessary steps to continue these posts and count the service rendered against these for further promotions. It is worth to submit that ‘post’ includes regular as well as temporary in IRS (C&CE) Rules. Thus, there should be no reason for not counting the service rendered against these posts for further promotions. Moreover as per various legal verdicts given even by the Hon’ble Supreme Court, even the stipendiary service is to be count for the purpose of service to grant further promotions. Not only it, the service is to be counted keeping in view the tremendously delayed process of DPCs in CBEC. Accordingly, the service against these posts is to be counted at least from the month of preceding January to the relevant year as per DOPT provisions. As your goodself knows that around 200 Central Excise officers were promoted less in Oct, 14 for the year 2013-14, the service of the officers promoted against these around 200 posts carried forward from the year 2013-14 is to be counted at least from the month of January, 13.  
4. As per the discussions held with your goodself, you are of the opinion of workload to be increased under GST despite of 90:10 and 50:50 distribution of the assesses under GST. Accordingly, we will require more number of posts at group ‘A’ entry and above levels at least upto Addl. Commissioner as per functional requirement under GST. So, this is the proper time not only to continue the temporary posts but also to create more at every level upto the Addl. Commissioner. It will be better to keep intact these posts after adding sufficiently more for GST in the form of separate service (on the lines of CSS) at least upto the level of Addl. Commissioner for our officers joining the job as Inspector, which will also protect the stature of IRS.
In view of the above, it is requested that-
i) Temporary posts of Asstt. Commissioner may kindly be continued without any question of abolishing these.

ii) Service rendered against these temporary posts of Asstt. Commissioner may kindly be counted for further promotions and other benefits.
iii) The CBEC being always terribly behind the prescribed schedule in holding the DPCs, the service of the officers may kindly be counted since Ist January preceding to the relevant model DPC year.
iv) The promotions against around 200 left out vacancies of the year 2013-14 may kindly be made effective since 01.01.13 for the year 2013-14.
v) The steps may kindly be taken to form a separate service for group ‘B’ Central Excise executive officers earmarking sufficient number of posts for them at least upto the level of Addl Commissioner particularly keeping in view that the Cabinet also approved to bring a scheme to remove acute stagnation of these officers independent of cadre restructuring in 2013 but unfortunately, no step has been taken till date in that direction. It may kindly be ensured that every officer joining as Inspector attains at least the level of Addl. Commissioner functionally or non-functionally.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

Secretary General.
Copy with the request for necessary action to:
The Revenue Secretary, North Block, New Delhi.