Namaste frnds. A meeting was held yesterday on 6.6.17 wid chairperson. Isus like DPC, pay scale, NFU, scheme to improve career prospcts, MACP irregularities, transfr/posting of newly promotd ACs, clarificatory order on time scale, pay comision related isus as forwarded by DOPT reg our meet wid DOPT Secretry etc. were discusd. C was also reminded of some other old isus and also to implement decisions alredy minuted. C assured to do needful. C was kindenough to talk to concerned authority imediatly on some isus including DPC. C opined dat c really want to resolve our isus, that's why Ms Sujeta Srijesh, ADC, Delhi-I, hs also bn called to work as OSD. C askd DG, HRD to do needful on DPC intending to convene it at erliest. Let's c hope for d best.