Minutes of the Regional Committee Meeting,
East Zone held on 04.03.2017 at Bhubaneshwar
The meeting was attended by the following:
a) R. Chandramouli, President AIB
b) Ravi Mallik, Secretary General, AIB
c) B. K. Sinha, Vice President (EZ), AIB
d) P. K. Sen, Joint Secretary (EZ), AIB
e) S. Bhattacharjya Jt. Secy. (EZ), AIB
f) C. S. Sharma, Office Secretary, AIB
g) Sanjoy Kumat Mishra, Unit Secretary,
Patna-Ranchi zone
h) Abhay Sankar Prasad, Patna Unit
i) P. C. Jha, Patna Unit
j) Shailendra Kumar, President Unit-
k) Neeraj Kumar, Ranchi, Unit Jharkhand
l) K. P. Tripathy, President, BBSR Unit
m) R. N. Mahapatra, G.S, BBSR Unit
n) M. K Pattanaik, BBSR Unit
o) Asok Kr. Gain, President, Kolkata Unit
p) Apurba Roy, Vice President, Kolkata Unit
Shri L. N. Mishra, former President AIB graced the
occasion by his presence.
The President of the Regional Committee Meeting, East
Zone Sri B. K. Sinha after welcoming the delegates inaugurated the meeting and
asked Sri P. K. Sen, Regional Secretary (EZ) to apprise the house of the agenda
points to be discussed and actions taken. Sri Sen accordingly apprised the
house and discussions started on the following agenda points:
1) Pay matters and MACP
2) Promotion and DPC
3) Promotion to the post AC and filling up of all
vacant posts
4) Scheme to improve career prospect
5) Infrastructure
6) Organisation, Fund, DDO certificates and
7) Special provision to NER, Sikkim, Darjeeling and
Kalimpong districts of West Bengal in GST
8) Special dispensation for NER Superintendent with
rest of the country
9) Any other points with permission of the chair
Then the Vice President (EZ) handed over the
proceeding to the President, AIB Sh. R. Chandramouli to preside over the
meeting. Sh. Chandramouli requested the house to observe one minute silence in
memory of the departed souls who left us in recent past.
The President AIB then requested the Secretary General
to inform the house in brief about the works done on agenda points. The SG then
briefed the house and apprised about the work done by the AIB and its progress
as detailed below:
1) On Pay matters and MACP: Parity with DSP of CBI
since 1986 and also arrears at par with the Superintendents of NCB since 1996
are being pursued vigorously. CBEC recommended to Revenue headquarters parity
with DSP of CBI, i.e., an initial grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB3 for our
Superintendent alongwith other issue like next promotion to STS post of Deputy
Commissioner instead of Asstt. Commissioner, at least 5 functional promotions
for examination by empowered committee, uniform promotional hierarchy for group
B officers across all departments/ministries of govt. of India, merger of grade
pay of Rs. 5400 in PB2 & PB3 and batch to batch NFU at par with CSS. Initial G.P. of 5400/- in PB-2 as
recommended by 6th CPC
under Para 7.15.24 granting parity with Chief Enforcement Officer was approved
by competent authority of Expenditure for our Superintendent but lower rank
officer of the level of under-secretary said to forward the same to 7th CPC. A case is already on final stage
in Principal Bench of CAT seeking a G.P. of 7600/- in PB-3 after 30 years of
service. A case seeking pay scale
at par with DSP of CBI since 01.01.1986 for our Supdts. is also on final
hearing in Cuttak CAT. General
implementation of Chandrasekharan case has been filed at Delhi CAT. One case is being pursued legally for general
implementation of Subramanium case in Principal Bench of CAT. A case is also in Final stage in Principal Bench of
CAT seeking a Time Scale in PB-3 instead of PB-2 after 4 yrs of service for our
Supdts. Two cases, one in Cuttak CAT (final hearing) and
another in Jabalpur High Court (rejoinder filed), are going on seeking arrears
at par with CBI Insprs. since 01.01.1986 for C.Ex. Insprs. These both cases
will benefit our Supdt. cadre as all the C.Ex. Insprs. of that time have
already become Supdts.
2) Promotion and DPC: The DPC against vacancy for the
year 2016-17 & 2017-18 is being pursued stringently. Scheme for improvement
through dynamic promotion, time bound promotion, flexible promotion, in-situ
basis and through separate service as in CSS for at least five promotions is
under active persuasion.
3) Promotion to the post of AC and filling up of all
vacant posts: It is being pursued for 2016-17 & 2017-18 along with
immediate filling up of 430 regular posts.
4) Scheme to improve career prospect: As discussed in
point 2 & 3 above.
5) Infrastructure: It was impressed upon the authority
that it should be made before implementation of GST. However, letter regarding
this got written by CBEC to field formations even before the approval of cadre
6) Organisation, Fund, DDO certificates and
subscription: All the units are requested to donate maximum fund to the AIB and
clear the dues foresighting the abrupt increase in legal expenses. All units
are also requested to furnish the DDO certificates forthwith.
7) Special provision to NER, Sikkim, Darjeeling and
Kalimpong districts of West Bengal in GST: This issue is to be taken up
immediately for the region considering the remoteness and hazardous aspect. In
some areas, there are already provision for area based exemption which
justifies the demand of lowering of ceiling of 1.50 crores to 75 lakhs in GST
regime. Sh P. K. Sen will send a note on this point.
8) Special dispensation for NER Superintendent with
rest of the country: As a case of special provision, it may be pursued that a
drive may be undertaken like up-gradation up to a certain year for the
stagnated zone like Shillong to keep pace with rest of the country. Sh P. K.
Sen will send a note on this point.
A) The members of Bhubaneswar unit mentioned about the
development on the Cuttak CAT case. It was proposed that the units belonging to
this zone should take pioneer step both in respect to finance and logistic
support as the case can get momentum if transferred to Principal of CAT, Delhi.
Members from BBSR unit also pointed out that counting of past service rendered
as Inspector and Superintendent should be taken into consideration for the
purpose of fixation of seniority for promotion.
B) Members from Patna Ranchi zone told that necessary
initiative should have taken for the preparation of AISL beyond 31.12.2006. SG
mentioned that the issue had already been taken up by the AIB and on persuasion
of AIB, CBEC had circulated a letter to that effect to all the CCAs. SG also
requested the zonal units to pursue the matter with the respective CCA so that
the feedback is received at an early date.
C) Members of Kolkata zone stated that as the issue of
Cuttak CAT mentioned by BBSR friends involves pan India ramification, willing
units from other zones should not be desisted from extending necessary
co-operation. SG said that he will look into the matter. He also said that
Delhi, Raipur, Jaipur etc. units have already contributed to the cause. The
issue of notional benefit from 01.01.86 was also raised by Kolkata. It was also
raised by the unit members of Kolkata that as per already existing provisions
of the constitution of AIB, all the promotee ACs from C.Ex are part and parcel
of the Association, accordingly all the federating units may be instructed to
take care of the same, which was unanimously accepted by the house. Sri A.K
Gain, President, Kolkata Unit thanked the President, the Secretary General in
particular and all the office bearers/members who contributed in making the
success of historic promotion to the post of Assistant Commissioner.
D) Shri P.K. Sen reiterated the issue of area based
exemption in case of GST, which was accepted by the house and SG assured to
pursue the matter with CBEC/Rev. Sec and if possible before GST council. Sri
Sen also mentioned that in case of promotion to Superintendent the officers of
Shillong are lagging far behind, which should be addressed. SG assured that as
a matter of one time dispensation the matter may be taken up. Sh. Sen was
reminded to send the due notes.
E) One time filling up of TA and Inspectors’ post due to
acute shortage. SG mentioned that in case of common cadre control this may be
possible and TA recruitment may be more effect as that would be applicable in
the post GST scenario and he will take up the issue with the concerned
Associations and pursue the same.
F) The house was also of the view in the ensuing
convention that all the willing members representing their respective zones
should be allowed to vote on proportional basis. The chair stated that there
should be no problem to it being internal matter of the concerned unit and the
matter also rests with the returning officer appointed on the given day.
G) Shri L N Mishra, former President AIACEGEO, also
pointed out that the promotee AC’s association was formed by him was purely for
welfare measures as well as for the pensioners. The Ad Hoc officers cannot form
cadre/service association and the Ad Hoc officers remain the members of the
cadre from which they have been promoted purely because they are not entitled
to any form of recognition by the government.
H) Meeting ended with thanks giving to the host unit for
the exceptional arrangements as well to the members who attended the meeting.
President (EZ)
Regional Committee,