Address for communication:
Secretary General:
A. Venkatesh 240, Razapur,
Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.)
Ravi Malik
Mob.7780255361 mail,
Site: Mob.9868816290
Presidents: Apurba Roy, P. C. Jha (East); A. K. Meena, Somnath Chakrabarty
(west); Ashish Vajpayee, Ravi Joshi (North); B. Pavan K. Reddy (South); K.V.
Sriniwas, T. J. Manojuman (Central) Joint Secretaries: Ajay Kumar, R. N.
Mahapatra (East); B. S. Meena, Sanjeev Sahai (West); Harpal Singh, Sanjay
Srivastava (North); N. Nagraj, P. Sravan Kumar (South); Anand Kishore, Ashutosh
Nivsarkar (Central)
by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
Ref. No. 01/AIB/E/17 Dt.
Sh. B. Ginkhan Mang,
Under Secretary, Ad.IVA,
CBEC, New Delhi.
Sub: Holding regular meetings with
Kindly refer to your letter F.No.C.30013/06/2012-Ad.IVA.Vol.II.
Dt. 0605.17.
Accordingly, the following items are submitted for discussions, kind
consideration and due redressal-
A. DPC for the year 2016-17 and
2017-18 for the post of Asstt. Commissioner in CBEC.
B. Initial pay scale to Central Excise Superintendent
at par with DSP of CBI (already recommended by CBEC to the Deptt. of Revenue
vide OM F. No.A-26017/154//2015-Ad.IIA Dt. 22.02.16) alongwith other perks
& allowances etc.
C. Batch to batch Non Functional Financial
Upgradation to our officers to grant financial parity with the best placed
counterparts of CSS etc. (already recommended by CBEC to the Deptt. of
Revenue vide OM F. No.A-26017/154//2015-Ad.IIA
Dt. 22.02.16).
Non-functional time scale in PB3 to Central Excise Superintendents like other
counterparts instead of PB2 after 4 years of service.
E. Next promotion of Central Excise Superintendent
to STS like other group ‘B’ gazetted officers of Central as well as State
Governments (already recommended by CBEC to the Deptt. of Revenue vide
OM F. No.A-26017/154//2015-Ad.IIA Dt. 22.02.16).
F. Scheme to improve the career prospects of Central
Excise Superintendents to grant minimum 5 functional promotions as our officers
are retiring with single promotion in the service career of 35-40 years (already
recommended by CBEC to the Deptt. of Revenue vide
OM F. No.A-26017/154//2015-Ad.IIA Dt. 22.02.16 and Cabinet also approved to bring a scheme to remove
the stagnation of group B Central Excise executive officers independent of
cadre restructuring).
G. Flexible Complementary/Dynamic Assured Career
Progression Scheme for Superintendents in accordance of the observations of
CBEC under OM F. No.A-26017/154//2015-Ad.IIA
Dt. 22.02.16 about the disparities
in promotions that it is an alarming anomalous situation.
H. Implementation of the CBEC circular issued vide F.
No. A-26017/44/94-Ad II (A) Dt. 08.03.95 regarding arrears of pay.
I. Implementation of para 7.15.24 of 6th
CPC report in light of UO No. 6/37/98-IC Dt. 24.11.14 of Expenditure.
J. Undoing of MACP
irregularities (para 8.1, upgradation in promotional hierarchy and offsetting
of MACP upgradation with time scale) as our officers were able to get the grade
pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB3 after 24 years of service under ACPS while now getting
the same after 30 years of service under MACPS.
K. Uniform
promotional hierarchy for all Group ‘B’ officers across all
departments/ministries in Govt. of India(already recommended by CBEC to the Deptt. of
Revenue vide OM F. No.A-26017/154//2015-Ad.IIA
Dt. 22.02.16).
L. Merger of Level 9
and 10 (already recommended by CBEC
to the Deptt. of Revenue vide OM F.
No.A-26017/154//2015-Ad.IIA Dt. 22.02.16).
Finalisation of RRs as per the verdict given in OA No. 2323/2012 by
Principal Bench of Hon’ble CAT.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General.
with the request for necessary action to:
Deputy Secretary/Director, Ad II, CBEC, New Delhi.
Joint Secretary, Admn (Sh. Sanjiv Kumar/Ms. Hemambika R. Priya), CBEC, North
Block, New Delhi.
Member (P&V), CBEC, North Block, New Delhi.
Address for communication:
Secretary General:
240, Razapur, Ghaziabad-201001 (U.P.)
Ravi Malik
Site: Mob.9868816290
Vice Presidents: Apurba
Roy, P. C. Jha (East); A. K. Meena, Somnath Chakrabarty (west); Ashish
Vajpayee, Ravi Joshi (North); B. Pavan K. Reddy (South); K.V. Sriniwas, T. J.
Manojuman (Central) Joint Secretaries: Ajay Kumar, R. N. Mahapatra
(East); B. S. Meena, Sanjeev Sahai (West); Harpal Singh, Sanjay Srivastava
(North); N. Nagraj, P. Sravan Kumar (South); Anand Kishore, Ashutosh Nivsarkar
(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide letter F.No.
B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
Ref. No. 15/AIB/C/17 Dt. 30.06.17
Ms. Vanaja
N. Sarna,
North Block,
New Delhi.
Celebrations on launch of GST.
As your goodself knows, it is submitted with due regards that
the celebrations are being made throughout the country on the launch of GST
tomorrow on 01.07.17. Great congrats for the same to all concerned authorities.
2. It is further submitted that our officers underwent the
process of taking and giving the training on GST. Not only it, our officers
facilitated the trade enlightening them about the changes in taxation and
clarifying their doubts. No need to say that we Central Excise Inspector born
officers would follow every instruction, direction and order of the concerned
authorities in the most disciplined and obedient manner like ever but we have
nothing to celebrate in our life.
3. The two most important things in the career of any
employee are pay matters and career prospects. Third one is the working
conditions. But very unfortunately, we are devoid of everything despite of
collecting the Govt. revenue regularly above the targets.
4. Our officers are forced to retire with single promotion in
the career of more than 35 years whereas our counterparts are enjoying 5-6
promotions. In our own department of Revenue, our counterparts of Income Tax
are easily attaining the levels of Addl. Commissioner and even Commissioner.
Same is the position of our counterparts recruited as Examiner in our own
organization of CBEC. Our inter-departmental counterparts including CSS are
also easily attaining the levels of Director and Joint Secretary. We really
have no complaint against them but are certainly aggrieved of not being treated
at par with them. Examiner of 1984 recruited in Inspector cadre itself has
already become Addl. Commissioner years ago whereas our Central Excise
Inspectors of 1984 are yet to become Asstt. Commissioner. If some have become,
they have been promoted merely to the temporary posts without benefit even of
single paisa and also without any right for further promotion. Not only it, our
officers are forced to work under the extreme juniors (Examiners) of same cadre
due to the discriminatory pattern of promotions.
5. As far as the MACP Scheme is concerned, we are getting now
after 30 years of service on IIIrd upgradation which we were able to get after
24 years of service under ACP Scheme on IInd upgradation. Thus, this scheme has
been proved to be harmful instead of beneficial to us whereas our counterparts
in states are getting two more upgradations than us under MACP Scheme.
6. Under GST, the post of state CTO (equivalent to our
Superintendent or even below) will be the Assistant Commissioner in the states
as evident from the enclosure depicting the position of GST employees of Andhra
Pradesh state. It again means that our officers would be forced to work in a
system in which their much juniors of state services will enjoy higher
upgradations and thus, humiliation working under extreme juniors would continue
for us under GST too.
7. It is really unfortunate that our CBEC was always unable
to do anything for us whereas other departments, whether relating to Central
Govt. or State Governments, are always able and capable to give everything to
their employees whether relating to pay matters or career prospects or working
conditions. No need to say that our officers are forced to work in the worst
working conditions with the worst pay packages as well as the worst career
prospects as already known very well to our own authorities.
8. Nothing has been done to improve our career prospects even
after more than 3½ years despite of the recommendations of Cabinet to bring a
scheme for us independent of cadre restructuring.
9. Your goodself was also pleased in the very first meeting
as Chairperson to intend bringing a scheme for our officers equally benefitting
the already stagnated as well as new generation officers but nothing has happen
till date.
10. The general impression is that the CBEC is only for
direct recruit Group A officers, by direct recruit Group A officers and of
direct recruit Group A officers. Neither we have any complaint against the direct
recruit Group A officers nor expect parity with them but we should at least be
brought at par with our counterparts, if not better than them.
11. In view of the above, all concerned authorities including
your goodself are very much requested to really do something for we poor giving
us opportunity to celebrate too.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Secretary General.
Copy with the request for necessary action to:
1) The Revenue Secretary, North Block, New Delhi.
2) The Cabinet Secretary, President House, New Delhi.