Minutes of the meeting of Joint Action Committee held on 12.04.2017
A meeting of the Joint Action Committee was
held today i.e. 12.04.2017 at CT Building, New Delhi.
The meeting started with the welcome
address of Shri Ravi Malik, Secretary General, AIACEGEO, being the host body.
Dr. AK Srivastava, President, IRS
Association, stated that initially, the JAC was created in order to protect our
interests post GST. Since that phase was already over, and that too with
favourable results, the purpose seemed to be over apparently. However, the
momentum gained through the success of JAC should be carried forward and to do
the same, he suggested the formation of a confederation of all the constituent
Associations under CBEC, which was the need of the hour, as our clash was
actually not amongst ourselves, but actually it was with CBEC. He stated that
it was a grave misconception that other cadres were aggrieved due to IRS
people, but the truth was that they were equally aggrieved with thr Board.
Hence to fight against an inert Board, we needed to stand united against the
common enemy.
Shri SK Sinha, Vice President, IRS
Association, suggested that such confederation should have its own constitution
and bylaws. Dr Srivastava said that all Associations should have 2-3
representatives on board and the confederation shall devise a common minimum
programme amd shall take up the matters
of common interest. He further stated that differences, if any, on a particular
issue, shall first be discussed in the Confederation and shall be raised
separately only if the same is not sorted out across the table.
The proposal was accepted unanimously.
Thereafter, Shri Ravi Malik, Secretary
General, AIACEGEO, suggested that minimum five promotions from entry level for
various cadres should be taken up as the first agenda point of the
confederation. This point was also accepted unanimously. Besides, he said that
HR issues pertaining to various cadres shall be raised in a manner that it
serves the interests of all the cadres. Further, every issue of common interest
shall be raised after discussion in the forum.
Dr Srivastava said that training of
officers/staff (within the country as well as abroad) was also an important
aspect of one's carrier. Sh. Malik pointed out that it was a prevalent practice
that an Inspector or a Superintendent nominated for training abroad is replaced
by a high ranking IRS officer. Dr. Srivastava said that only the entitled
officers should be sent on training
abroad and should not be replaced by any high official.
Shri Ram Lalit of the Ministerial Officers
Association, raised the anomaly of Recruitment Rules of his cadre. He stated
that the RRs should be identical to that of those prevailing in CBDT.
Dr. AK Srivastava further assured that he
shall do whatever was in his capacity for the different cadres both at the
Confederation as well as individual level.