Monday, 11 November 2024

Parity with SOs




(Earlier known as All India Association of Central Excise Gazetted Executive Officers)

President:                                             Address for communication:                                      Secretary General:

Kajal Kumar Mandal                         Flat No. 6, SE 11, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad                           Harpal Singh

Mob. 9957366172       mail Id:aiacegeo2019@gmail.com        Site:cengoindia.blogspot.in       Mob. 9717510598

Chief Patron: Ravi Malik Patrons: A. Venkatesh, C. S. Sharma, M. Nagaraju

Vice Presidents: B C Khatik, K D Venkatraman  (Central) Swapan Kr Das, Subrata Adhikary (East) Ashish Vajpayi, B B Sharma (North) G Srinivas Reddy, G Ananda Sukumar (South) Siddhraj Parmar, Vimal Kishore Soni (West) Joint Secretaries: Manoj Kumar, T J Manojumon (Central) Pradyut Purkayastha, Ashis Maji (East) Rajeev Prakash, Anil Sreedharan (West) Prabhakar Sharma, R B Sahu (North) K Yugandhar Kumar, S M Kosalaya Devi (South); Office Secretary: B C Gupta Treasurer: Manoj Kumar Liaison Secretary: Bhoopesh Organising Secretary: Utkarsh Sharma Legal Coordinator: S Sabarwal Joint Organising Secretary: Jayant Dey East Zone Coordinator: Debasish Modak

(Recognised vide F.No.B-12017/17/2022-AD-IV A dt. 14.07.23 of CBIC, Govt. of India)

Ref. No. 93/AIB/T/24                                                                       Dt. 11.11.24


(1) The Chairman,                                                                  (2) The Secretary,

CBIC, North Block,                                                                Department of Revenue,

New Delhi.                                                                              North Block, New Delhi.


(3) The Secretary,                                                                   (4) The Secretary,

DOPT,                                                                                     Department of Expenditure,

North Block, New Delhi.                                                        North Block, New Delhi.


Sub: Request to grant the historically parity with equally placed employees as per the judgement given by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on 09.11.2023 in Civil Appeal No. 1663 of 2016.


Your kind attention is invited to the Judgment of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 09.11.2023 passed in Civil Appeal No. 1663 of 2016 in the case of Union of India & Ors Vs D.G.O.F. Employees Association and Another and earlier representation of the Association on the subject.

2. The Hon’ble Supreme Court in the judgment mentioned supra held that employees with historical pay parity have to be treated without discrimination.  The matter was in relation to the discrimination in the pay to the DGOF Employees (the respondents hereinafter) as compared to the employees in Central Secretariat Service (CSS for short) inspite of having historical pay parity. The Hon’ble Supreme Court held that the error needs to be corrected and addressed the discrimination.

3. The Sixth Pay Commission has covered the pay of the Section Officers of CSS in para 3.1.9 wherein the Section Officers were granted pay scale of Rs. 7500-12000/- in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs. 4800/- and after completion of four years of service were granted with Rs. 8000-13500/- in PB-2 with grade pay of Rs. 5400/-. They were, however, placed in the pay scale of Rs. 8000-13500/- w.e.f. 01.01.1996 vide DOPT Orders No.21/36/03-CS.I Dated 13.11.2003, No.5/4/2005-CS.I Dated 25.01.2006 and No. 5/4/2005-CS-I Dated 30.03.2006 without recommendation of Pay Commission. The respondents who were having historical parity with the employees of CSS were granted pay scale of Rs. 7500-12000 in PB-2 with grade pay of 4800 and after completion of four years of service were granted with Rs. 8000-13500 in PB-2 with grade pay of 5400 (covered under para 3.1.14 of the sixth pay commission report) whereas the employees of CSS were granted pay scale of Rs. 7500-12000 in PB-2 with grade pay of 4800 and after completion of four years of service were granted with Rs. 8000-13500 in PB-3 with grade pay of 5400 by the Govt. w.e.f. 01.01.2006 again without recommendation of pay commission to grant them Rs. 8000-13500 in PB-3 with grade pay of 5400 after completion of four years of service. The matter was finally decided by the Apex Court holding that the employees with historical parity/similarity have to be treated equally without discrimination.

4. The Staff Selection Commission conducts the Recruitment Examinations, for both, i.e., Inspector of Central Excise and Customs/Preventive Officer/Examiner/Income Tax Inspector and Assistant Grade of CSS. Both the posts fall under the same entry level scale at the relevant point of time till date and are construed to be posts with historical parity. The promotional posts for both, i.e., Superintendent of Central Excise/Customs Preventive Superintendents/Appraisers/ITOs and the Section Officers of CSS were also placed under the same pay scale till 13.11.2003 when the above mentioned DOPT Order No.21/36/03-CS.I Dated 13.11.2003 was issued without recommendations of Pay Commission.

5. Thus, the consequential promotional posts for the above, i.e., Superintendent of Central Excise/Customs Preventive Superintendents/Appraisers/ITOs (Superintendent of Central Excise as relevant for us) and the Section Officer in CSS respectively were  carrying parity in the scales till 5th pay Commission.  The para 3.1.9 of the sixth pay commission is reproduced hereunder for ready reference-

3.1.9 Accordingly, the Commission recommends upgradation of the entry scale of Section Officers in all Secretariat Services (including CSS as well as non participating ministries/ departments/organizations) to Rs.7500-12000 corresponding to the revised pay band PB 2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4800. Further, on par with the dispensation already available in CSS, the Section Officers in other Secretariat 161 Offices, which have always had an established parity with CSS/CSSS, shall be extended the scale of Rs.8000-13500 in Group B corresponding to the revised pay band PB 2 of Rs.8700-34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4800 on completion of four years service in the lower grade. This will ensure full parity between all Secretariat Offices. It is clarified that the pay band PB 2 of Rs.8700- 34800 along with grade pay of Rs.4800 is being recommended for the post of Section Officer in these services solely to maintain the existing relativities which were disturbed when the scale was extended only to the Section Officers in CSS. The grade carrying grade pay of Rs.4800 in pay band PB-2 is, otherwise, not to be treated as a regular grade and should not be extended to any other category of employees. These recommendations shall apply mutatis-mutandis to post of Private Secretary/equivalent in these services as well.


* This scale shall be available only in such of those organizations/services which have had a historical parity with CSS/CSSS. Services like AFHQSS/AFHQSSS/RBSS and Ministerial/Secretarial posts in Ministries/Departments organisations like MEA, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, CVC, UPSC, etc. would therefore be covered.

6. From the foot note it is evident that the scales with historical parity with CSS is available to the organisations/services which have had a historical parity with CSS/CSSS.  As explained supra, the posts of the Superintendent of Central Excise had a historical parity with the post of Section officer of CSS.   Accordingly, the same scales as provided for CSS are available to the Superintendent of Central Excise.   However, in the Govt. Notification to implement the report of the Sixth Pay Commission, the pay scales for the posts of Income Tax Officers/Superintendent, Appraisers etc. (Customs & Central Excise) were mentioned as 7500-12000 (Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/-) in PB-2 and after four years in 8000-13500 (Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/-) in PB-2 whereas the pay scales for the posts of Section Officers of CSS were mentioned as 7500-12000 (Grade Pay of Rs. 4800/-) in PB-2 and after four years in 8000-13500 (Grade Pay of Rs. 5400/-) in PB-3.  

7. The Hon’ble Supreme Court in Order dated 09.11.2023 in Civil Appeal No. 1663 of 2016 in the case of Union of India & others Vs DGOF Employees Association and another has passed the order correcting such error in the discrimination of pay to the employees with historical parity in pay scales.   From the above submissions, it is evident that the pay scale of Superintendent of Central Excise has been discriminated and the same needs to be rectified to bring justice.  

8. In view of the above submissions, it is requested to kindly extend the same justice to the Superintendents of Central Excise (now CGST) also as held by the Hon’ble Supreme Court in addressing the discrimination in the pay scale to DGOF employees. Accordingly, the Superintendents of Central Excise (now CGST) may kindly be extended the pay scale of Rs. 8000-13500/- w.e.f. 01.01.1996 and equivalent to grade pay of Rs. 5400/- in PB-3 w.e.f. 01.01.2006 after completion of four years of service with grade pay of Rs. 4800/- in PB-2 or equivalent pay scale with all consequential benefits. Same treatment may also be given to the Inspectors of Central Excise (now CGST) getting the scale of Superintendent on account of ACP/MACP upgradation. It is further requested that the Association may also kindly be informed of the outcome of this representation for pursuing further legal recourse as available.    

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,



Secretary General.