Dear Mr Malik,
I am happy to inform you that the Annual GBM of the IRS (C&CE) Association passed the following resolution w.r.t issue affecting your cadres. Kindly share with the Inspectors Associations of Cx and Cus. Similarly with Supts in Customs as well. The same was sent to FM, MoS, RS,Chairperson and Member (P&V), CBEC for favourable action.
RESOLUTION: 8- “Immediate steps to redress the stagnation problem affecting other cadres like Inspectors and Superintendents of Central Excise; and POs/Superintendents of Customs should be taken. Further new posts at these levels to be sanctioned to take care of Service Tax and increased customs work”
Thanks & Regards,
Metta Rama Rao
IRS (C&CE) Association
095605 83885');" >