Message From: Ravi Malik
Subject: AC meet of 16.3.13, SC contempt order
Dear friends,
Good morning.
... 1. The following decisions were taken in the Associate Committee meeting of
16.03.13 at Delhi regarding agitation-
i) Our Satyagraha/agitational programme will beintensified, if there comes
nothing concrete in our favour. If something seemsto be concrete, the
President ...and Secretary General may review the programme consultingeach
other. The following steps will be observed to intensify the programme-
a) None of our officers will attend the office on holidayson 29.03.31 to
b) The officers will gather at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on12.04.13 at 11 a.m.
in their *uniform*and proceed to gather around the residence of the Hon’ble
Finance Minister tosubmit him the Memorandum. Every unit will ascertain to
come to Delhi at leastwith 20 officers from its jurisdictional area to
observe this programme.
c) The Units will start immediately to collect letters ofnotice regarding
“mass resignations” from the members to be submitted to theadministration
on 30.04.13.
d) The zonal/all India office bearers may visit the unitson invitation from
respective unit preferably on holidays to mobilise themembers, wherever
required. The expenses of the visit will be borne by therespective unit.
However, it is felt that the unit office bearers should be wellcapable to
mobilise the members under their jurisdictional areas.
2. The deliberations were also held with the All IndiaInspectors
Association in the direction of forming a combined forum to pursuethe
common issues. It has principally been agreed that a Coordination
Committeewould be formed initially as an instant step and a Federation
would be formedas final step. The Secretary General of the Inspectors
Association will alsoconsult his committee to explore the possibility of
observing the commonprogramme on 29.03.13 to 31.03.13, 12.04.13 and
30.04.13, if practicallypossible keeping in view the time constraint.
3. The AEC meeting of the Association would be held atHotel Patliputra
Ashoka, near C. R. Bldg., Virchand Patel Marg, Patna on 25.05.13and
26.05.13 (Saturday & Sunday). All the units may kindly make itconvenient to
attend the meeting making all the preparations including bookingof journey
well in advance. Units may also kindly send theiragenda-cum-suggestions
well in advance. Thanks and congratulations to our PatnaUnit to arrange the
4. All the units are requested to clear their dues at anearly date and also
donate maximum funds to the All India Body to make theorganisation
stronger. The Savings Bank account number of AIB is 90672010069746in
Syndicate Bank, C. R. Bldg., New Delhi (IFSC: SYNB0009067). Congratulations
andall appreciations to our Shillong Unit to already clear the dues for
5. A format for poster for further programme is alsoattached herewith.
6. The copy of the order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in contempt case is
also attached herewith.
Subject: AC meet of 16.3.13, SC contempt order
Dear friends,
Good morning.
... 1. The following decisions were taken in the Associate Committee meeting of
16.03.13 at Delhi regarding agitation-
i) Our Satyagraha/agitational programme will beintensified, if there comes
nothing concrete in our favour. If something seemsto be concrete, the
President ...and Secretary General may review the programme consultingeach
other. The following steps will be observed to intensify the programme-
a) None of our officers will attend the office on holidayson 29.03.31 to
b) The officers will gather at Jantar Mantar in Delhi on12.04.13 at 11 a.m.
in their *uniform*and proceed to gather around the residence of the Hon’ble
Finance Minister tosubmit him the Memorandum. Every unit will ascertain to
come to Delhi at leastwith 20 officers from its jurisdictional area to
observe this programme.
c) The Units will start immediately to collect letters ofnotice regarding
“mass resignations” from the members to be submitted to theadministration
on 30.04.13.
d) The zonal/all India office bearers may visit the unitson invitation from
respective unit preferably on holidays to mobilise themembers, wherever
required. The expenses of the visit will be borne by therespective unit.
However, it is felt that the unit office bearers should be wellcapable to
mobilise the members under their jurisdictional areas.
2. The deliberations were also held with the All IndiaInspectors
Association in the direction of forming a combined forum to pursuethe
common issues. It has principally been agreed that a Coordination
Committeewould be formed initially as an instant step and a Federation
would be formedas final step. The Secretary General of the Inspectors
Association will alsoconsult his committee to explore the possibility of
observing the commonprogramme on 29.03.13 to 31.03.13, 12.04.13 and
30.04.13, if practicallypossible keeping in view the time constraint.
3. The AEC meeting of the Association would be held atHotel Patliputra
Ashoka, near C. R. Bldg., Virchand Patel Marg, Patna on 25.05.13and
26.05.13 (Saturday & Sunday). All the units may kindly make itconvenient to
attend the meeting making all the preparations including bookingof journey
well in advance. Units may also kindly send theiragenda-cum-suggestions
well in advance. Thanks and congratulations to our PatnaUnit to arrange the
4. All the units are requested to clear their dues at anearly date and also
donate maximum funds to the All India Body to make theorganisation
stronger. The Savings Bank account number of AIB is 90672010069746in
Syndicate Bank, C. R. Bldg., New Delhi (IFSC: SYNB0009067). Congratulations
andall appreciations to our Shillong Unit to already clear the dues for
5. A format for poster for further programme is alsoattached herewith.
6. The copy of the order of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in contempt case is
also attached herewith.