Dear friends,
As we all know that DG, HRD is processing the data/documents for Ad hoc promotion from Gp B to Gp A. There
is the name of Sh. Damodaran S. (DOB - 07.04.1954) mentioned at S. No.
119 of the list of Supdt. CX circulated by CBEC on 16.08.2013. The said
shows Sh. Damodaran S to be of Patna Zone. But Patna has clarified that
Sh. Damodaran S. has never been posted to Patna/Ranchi Zone.
are, therefore, requested to
kindly find the whereabouts of Sh. Damodaran S and get his ACR dossier
etc. forwarded to DG, HRD (HRM), Rajendra Place, New Delhi immediately
to ensure furtherance of efforts for timely DPC for Gp B to Gp A ad hoc
Ravi Malik.
Perhaps his name is Mr. Damodar Singh and not Mr. Damodaran S as appeared in seniority list. Shri Damodar Singh was out of service during 27.09.04 to 23.02.10. He rejoined in Patna Zone on 24.02.10. His seniority was determined w.e.f 03.06.93 and placed at sl. no 404 of All India Seniority List as per the decision of Apex Court on dated 31.03.98 . On verification it is seen that the same person is entered twice
in the seniority list as the date of birth and cadre controlling authority are same . This was possible due to revision of
seniority, the earlier one could not be deleted.