Considering the provisions of FR, RRs, DOPT guidelines and different
judgments of Hon’able Apex Court etc., CBEC is totally helpless to issue All
India Seniority list for Inspectors who were recruited on the basis of an
examination with an All India Merit List w.e.f. 1996/2003. However CBEC is
willing to introduce the same only on prospectively (i.e. for Inspectors joining the Deptt. in 2014 or
later ). The
issue of removal of regional disparity retrospectively was raised in the AEC
meeting of AIACEGEO held at Patna during May, 2013. AIACEGEO had clarified that
it can only be settled in court of law. A case in CAT (PB) New Delhi has already been filed by All India
Association as per resolutions adopted in AC meeting (confirmed in AEC meeting)
to maintain base cadre parity in promotions. The issues of the removal of inter
cadre as well as intra cadre disparities can only be solved if the verdict in
such case will come in our favour. In the AEC meeting, AIACEGEO has requested
it members to wait for the out come of
such case. It has been also clarified that at any circumstances, the case can not be withdrawn and also AIACEGEO can not change its stand contrary to the OA filed in CAT.
All Units are once again requested
for not to make any correspondence with Board/ Govt directly. If they have any
point please forward the same to SG to submit it to Board/Govt by him only. Board
has informed that delegations of different units were coming and meeting Board officials and
submitting different representations , and that it has become very difficult
for Board officials to differentiate
between different delegations, and all issues are getting mixed up. Such type
of activities by some of our own units have been created tremendous amount of damage to our common
file relating to issue of notification on creation of different establishments
as per CR-13 of CBEC may likely to be
approved by FM on 27.03.14 or 28.03.14 along with the notification of CBDT. The cadre review file is still with
Revenue Secretary. It is likely to be placed before F.M on
tomorrow, the 27th March. F.M. is currently out of station and scheduled
to return the capital on 27th.