Dear friends,
The SLP 4870-71/2018 was listed today on 17.04.18 in court no 8 at item no 20. Mr. Maninder Singh, Senior Advocate & ASG for UoI, submitted that the affidavit in terms of order dated 11/4/18 has been filed and was on record. The Respondents No 1 to 3 represented through Counsel stated that the statement is incorrect as she has information contrary to the stand of govt. before the Court. The affidavit is to the effect that seniority of persons appointed and/or promoted till 1/3/1986 will not be disturbed. The said respondents have been asked to file a reply, if required and the matter was posted for 19/4/2018.
Mr Vikas Singh, Senior Advocate for the impleader Association (ours), submitted that the Association does not have any objection to the affidavit of UoI. in r/o early DPC which was objected by the other faction and they stated that there is inter-se disputes amongst the members of association to which the Bench directed that Respondent no 8 (Sh. Manimohan as on date) be present on the next date of hearing.
CBEC was being pursued for early DPC by us subject to final verdict of SLP because our officers are regularly retiring without promotion despite of a good number of posts being in hand. So, CBEC filed IA for early DPC subject to the final verdict of SLP. We also filed an IA for early DPC subject to the final verdict of SLP. When we approached the Hon'ble Supreme Court to file IA, registry office didn't accept it saying that Association (Sh. Manimohan & associates) has already filed affidavit in this case. After it, we were forced to file one more IA depicting which actual Association is with further request of conducting DPC subject to the final verdict of SLP.
Like it, we had to get the stay on DPC vacated in Hon'ble High Court of Chennai also on the last occasion when the Hon'ble Court didn't allow the CBEC to conduct the DPC.
Loving regards,
Secretary General,