Dossiers relating to ACR/APAR and vigilance clearances.
All the Members of AIACEGEO.
All the Members of AIACEGEO.
Dear Comrades,
Board is not in a position to submit the proposals to UPSC to conduct DPC for the post of Asst. Commissioner because the dossiers relating to ACR/APAR and vigilance clearances are still pending from the following zones:-
1. Central Excise, Kolkata Zone--for 96 officials.( It is reported by Shri Asoke Sarkar that the particulars will be submitted on 28.05.14)
2. Central Excise, Mumbai-I Zone - for 37 Officers ( Out of Dossiers of 37officers, 4 officers were expired, 1 officer dismissed from service , 4 officers have taken VRS, 18 officers have retired and only 10 Officers are in service as on 1st May, 2014. As per the direction, the submission of Dossiers is in process by the Mumbai –I Administration and likely to be complied with by the end of this week, as posted in blog post)
3.Central Excise, Bhopal/Indore Zone -for 04 Officers
4. Central Excise, Chandigarh Zone - for 12 Officers
5. Central Excise Allahabad/ Lucknow Zone -for 52 Officers
6.Central Excise Vadodara Zone - for 05 Officers
( N.B. As informed by Shri Ravi Malik, SG that nothing is pending in respect of Delhi Zone)
( N.B. As informed by Shri Ravi Malik, SG that nothing is pending in respect of Delhi Zone)
Chairperson/CBEC has written a letter on 26.05.14 to concerned Chief Commissioner’s to send the desired reports urgently with a request to our concerned local Associations to pursue the matters for early submission.( copy of such letter has already been posted in this blog post)
Therefore , I request the Unit Secretaries and other leaders and also members of the concerned Units and the Regional office bearers to take initiatives and pursue with the concerned zonal administrations, so that the reports are sent in time. Kindly do the needful on an urgent basis so that at least the officers retiring in the month of June, 2014 can get their long-over-due promotion before retirement.
Thanks & Regards.