Patron Chief Patron
A. Venkatesh
C. S. Sharma
Mob. 7780255361 Mob. 9868816290 Mob.
President: Address for
Secretary General:
M. Loganathan Flat No. 6, SE 11, Shastri Nagar, Ghaziabad Harpal Singh
Mob.8758262698 mail Mob.9717510598
Vice Presidents: B C Khatik, V Pagare (Central)
Diwakar Sahai, Sanjoy Gupta (East) Ashish Vajpayee, Amadul Islam (North) G
Srinivas Reddy, P Ravichandran (South) R Keny, J B Parmar (West) Joint
Secretaries: S P Pandey, T J Manojumon (Central) Subrata Adhikari,
SiddharthTewari (East) Ramkesh Meena, S Sahai (West) Atul Kumar, R B Sahu
(North) Bhoopesh, R V Raghunandan (South); All
India Convener: A K Meena All India Coordinator: B L Meena Office
Secretary: B C Gupta Treasuer: M Kumar Organising Secretary: M
Bajpai Liaison Secretary: N S
Maheshwari North Zone Coordinator: Prabhakar
Sharma Legal Coordinator: S Sabarwal Vigilance Coordinator: R K Singh South Zone Coordinator: U
(Recognised by G.O.I., Min. of Fin. vide letter F.No. B. 12017/10/2006-Ad.IV A Dt.21.01.08)
address: 206, B wing, CGO Complex II, Kamla Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad.
Ref. No. 53/AIB/T/23 Dt. 15.04.23
Sh. Vivek Johri,
Chairman, CBIC,
North Block, New Delhi.
Sub: Transfer/posting of Asstt. Commissioners.
Kindly refer to the following representations of the
(i) Ref. No. 08/AIB/M/23 Dt. 16.01.23,
(ii) Ref No. 10/AIB/T/23 Dt. 23.01.23 and
(iii) Ref. No. 21/AIB/C/23 Dt. 02.02.23.
The AGT of the Asstt. Commissioners being on the cards, the following
submissions are made by the Association for kind and sympathetic consideration-
A. As your goodself knows very well, every zone is
having a large number of vacancies of Asstt. Commissioner as on date. So, all
Asstt. Commissioners promoted and transferred earlier to other zones as well as
recently promoted ones may easily be adjusted in their parent/own zones. It is,
therefore, requested that all of officers who were promoted earlier and
transferred to other zones and are willing to return to parent place, may
kindly be transferred back to their parent/requested stations/zones.
B. The period of two years may kindly be treated from
AGT to AGT because early or late AGT/relieving is not in the hands of the
transferred or to be transferred officers.
C. Because sufficient vacancies exist in every zone,
the recently promoted officers may also kindly not be transferred to another
station/zone from parent station/zone barring those who are willing to be
posted out of station/zone. If the officers are to be transferred to other
station/zone for the want of the vacancies, they may kindly be transferred to
the nearest station/zone and may kindly be brought back as soon as the
vacancies occur at the parent place.
D. It is also requested that all norms prescribed by
DOPT and also by CBIC for transfer/posting may kindly be followed as a few
genuine cases missed consideration last time.
E. It is also brought to your kind notice that a group
of promotee Asstt. Commissioners with the so called name of Central Tax Indian
Revenue Service Association promoted in the latest promotion order has made a
representation to your goodself on the issue. It is submitted with due regards
that the said group has no locus standi in the name of any association. This is
only a group of over-ambitious persons who are habitual of dividing
associations under their vested interests. As per their habit, they divided
Inspectors Association when they were Inspectors, they divided AIACEGEO when
they were Superintendents and they are repeating the same act now after
becoming Asstt. Commissioner. They are the same group who was always
instrumental even in opposing every DPC for the post of Asstt. Commissioner and
lingering the issue every time in legal courts under their vested interests.
Our Association had always to take measures to vacate the stay on DPCs taken by
this over-ambitious group.
4. In view of above, it is requested that the officers
already transferred to outstations may kindly be brought back to their parent
places/requested places barring who want to stay at outstation and the officers
promoted recently may also kindly not be transferred to outstations except the
willing ones.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Secretary General.
with the request for necessary action to:
Revenue Secretary, North Block, New Delhi.