Dear friends,
It has been noted that Sh.
Manimohan & associates started a campaign since very beginning against the
undername to misguide the member officers. Instead of coming to Gandhidham to
contest the elections, they formed their so-called association in a closed room
with the help of some splinters like they divided the Inspectors Association in
the past. No need to say that the promotee Group 'A' officers are also the members of the
AIACEGEO as per the decision taken in the Daman Convention based on the report
of the Committee formed for the purpose in the Jaipur Convention. This
Committee also made no recommendation that the promotee Group ‘A’ officers
would not be eligible to contest the elections despite of being full-fledged
members of the Association. Interestingly, many of Sh. Manimohan & associates were also
party to this decision. It is also worth to mention that the Group ‘A’ promotee
officers are also the members of the Income Tax Gazetted Officers Association
in our sister organization of CBDT and also the members of the Appraisers
Association in our own organization of CBIC alongwith holding the post of
office bearers also. Not only it, the officers belonging to the feeder post of
Preventive Officer as well as next promotional post of Customs Superintendent
are also the members of All India Customs Preventive Service Federation in our
own CBIC without any bar to any category to be the office bearer of their organisation.
Sh. Manimohan & associates are making an
adverse propaganda circulating a letter Dt. 23.12.08 written by the undersigned
at the time of working as the General Secretary of AIACEGEO, Delhi seeking the
clarification about the date of the grant of non-functional upgradation to the Group
‘B’ officers. Interestingly, Sh. Manimohan & associates misinterpreted this letter that
the undernamed opposed the Subramanium issue whereas this issue was not in the
sight on that date at all. Moreover, this issue will also benefit the
undernamed. So, there arises no question of opposing it by the undernamed. Any
prudent person can understand that undernamed would pursue this case instead
of opposing because this is also of the personal benefit of the undernamed.
However, the letter under reference
(placed below) is self-explanatory. It was basically to get the authorities
understood that the pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500/- prior to 21.04.04 and Rs.
7500-12000/- w.e.f. 21.04.04 granted to our Superintendents was one and the same thing. Our Board allowed the
time scale (4 years NFU) to our officers w.e.f. 21.04.08 only (after 4 years of
the grant of the scale of Rs. 7500-12000/-) instead of 01.01.06. Based on the
letter of the undernamed only, a clarification was resulted from the Board side
to grant the said benefit to our officers w.e.f. 01.01.06 preponing the benefit.
Otherwise our officers were at the loss for more than 2 years period. I,
however, never expected such mis-interpretation of my letter by Sh. Manimohan & associates working at gazetted levels in the Govt. of India.
Now, Sh. Manimohan & associates should be
intelligent enough to understand why the said letter was written and the actual
result of it was that the NFU was granted to our officers w.e.f. 01.01.06 instead of 21.04.08 based on this letter only. They
have also to introspect why I would oppose a thing which is beneficial to me
too. I also hope that they would now stop making adverse propaganda trying to
befool the officers and do some acts which are of the interest of the cadre. However, I am sure that our officers are intelligent
enough not to fall under their trap. Liking or disliking anybody is a different thing but it is not fair to try to misguide the cadre based on lies as being done by them.
Loving regards,
Secretary General,