Dear friends,
I am getting the
calls (like earlier calls received against Sh. Kundu's letter) that our Association should do something for the revocation of the
suspension of Sh. Kundu, Superintendent of Surat Commissionerate. The view of the
people is that Sh. Kundu should have not written such nasty letter making
straight charges of corruption against our own officers with every probability
to invite the attention of other agencies towards us which might result into the
unwarranted harassment of our officers. But Sh. Kundu also being our own
officer, it is being asked that we should also do something for the revocation
of his suspension.
friends, we are already making every effort to get his suspension revoked at
the earliest. No need to say that our Association also did our bit to deal with
the case of unwarranted police action against Sh. L. B. Pandey, Inspector of
Lucknow Zone. The Board has already asked the report from the Principal Chief
Commissioner of Lucknow Zone on this issue based on our letter despite of the issue not being related to our Association. In the same way, every
effort is also being made for the revocation of the suspension of Sh. Kundu by our Association.Loving regards,
Secretary General,